Download this Copy – It’s Powerful!


I developed some copy for a blog post.  It was for one of my consulting clients who owns a co-ed mid-sized club in Wisconsin. 

The post was called: May I Be Blunt?

She used it as a direct mail piece to all of her “inactive” members.  She also posted it on her website and used it in a series of emails to her list.

Then, we devised a slick little social media campaign that led to her website landing page with the same copy and invitation to her programming.

It was a huge success!  Her current sales are 500% above her last year sales over the same time period.  Now that’s RESULTS!  

And, it cost almost nothing more than postage.  So, now we’re even thinking about creating a video with her delivering the same message.

She’s agreed to share the basic copy that I initially wrote for her.  I’m going use it everywhere.  If you have ONBOARD 101, then this is perfect for you

But, even if you don’t… the copy can be tweaked to fit your programming… 
