Health Coach Online Profit Model


Yes…. Even I was shocked.  And, at my age, I don’t shock easily!


One of our health coach fitness partners who was a very early adopter of ONBOARD 101 and the MAP System — — may have opened Pandora’s Box and unleashed the massive income potential of these online platforms — beyond what I thought was possible.


He created a program (product) called: The 12-Week Mind-Body Transformation.  His two-day launch sold 87 programs at $497 each.  That’s $43,239 in just 2 DAYS!


I can’t give away his details, but, I’m pretty certain it’s a modified and scaled down version of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT model.


It’s a “Team” model where everyone is on the same page at the same time.  This makes it WAY more manageable for administration.  Very effective and profitable.


To Be Successful, Study Success


To be fair, this was NOT an overnight success.


He struggled for a couple of years attempting to build his online, “recurring revenue” business

But, it just wasn’t taking off.  Nonetheless, he knew in his heart of hearts that there was huge potential — if he could just find the “magic.”


There is no “magic.” 


Most success coaches will tell you that to be successful, you should “STUDY SUCCESS” and emulate those actions.  And, there are plenty of successful online entrepreneurs to study.  That’s exactly what this partner did.


He finally stopped trying to reinvent the wheel and started looking at how online entrepreneurs like Ryan Lee, Jeff Walker, Russell Brunson, Eric Cressey, Jillian Michaels and others all MARKETED their services.  And, he definitely studied Michelle Bridges — at length!


Find Your Model


So maybe the model he’s using is not for you.  But, it’s a good place to start if for no other reason than to see the potential of online health and fitness programming.


STUDY THE “12WBT” MODEL…. it includes some very cool elements… like a “pre-season period” before the program even begins.  As you study her model, you’ll notice how much “upfront” work went into her programming. 


There are tons of videos, recipes, exercises, workout plans, etc. all ready “to go.”


If there is any magic to online programming, (large or small)  it’s getting all the UPFRONT WORK COMPLETED


Then, you can focus 100% of your time and energy marketing, selling and servicing your “tribe.”

Doing What it Really Takes…


Yes, of course, selling lots of programs at $497 requires more than just the ONBOARD 101 platform.


This partner took the time to design his specific program (with upsells and downsells), as well as the time and money it took to develop promotions, webinars, videos, etc.


Ultimately he created a  “DEFINED PRODUCT” as well as a complete 3-WEEK LAUNCH STRATEGY with specific TACTICS including automated emails, social media, sales webinars and a ton of follow-up.


It took over 9 months to create, and another 3 weeks to launch.


BUT…  here’s the best part.  He can now do it over and over again because he’s created both a “Program Template” and a  “Launch Template.”   It’s an EVERGREEN program he can sell FOREVER!

It’s Still Early


One of the things I hear from health and fitness professionals is that they think it’s too late to get into the “online” game.  That the market is already saturated with online fitness businesses and that they don’t want to spend the time and effort to learn all the “online stuff” to get that part of their business going.


This simply is NOT true.


Sure, there are a ton of apps and other web-based type workouts – but that’s NOT what people want. 


Remember, people hire a TRAINER… not the training.  They want a relationship with YOU.


Listen, the online fitness business is still in it’s infancy.  Very early stages.  If it were the car business, it’s the equivalent to the Model T.


The Best Strategy Moving Forward – Go Slow


If you are already running a fitness business (club, studio, independent, consultant, etc) then at least start looking at how others – Like Michelle Bridges are running their businesses.  But, take your time. 


There’s a bit to learn about building lists, social media, marketing funnels, etc – but, it’s all doable.  And, there’s plenty of time to learn it.


Here are just a few to take a look at:


I encourage you to get on their mail lists so you can see how they market to you.  Then, simply ask yourself, “With a little time and effort, could I learn to do this?”


I’d bet my last dollar you can!