Powerful Letter Generates 62 NEW Members…!

Sometimes, a very targeted direct mail campaign can generate staggering results.

I helped compose this letter with a club owner for his 22,000 sq. ft. multi-purpose facility.

This one letter, sent to one physician, generated more than 62 members – all of whom purchased additional personal training, nutrition and/or weight-management packages.

Even though he paid for my time to help compose it, he’s agreed to share this letter with you — Thank you, Ben.

Get this letter PLUS a FREE BONUS LETTER in an MS Word TEMPLATE.

Here’s what to note:

  • The letter is direct.  There’s no question about the intent.
  • The letter articulates a common ground in both businesses.
  • The letter gives something of value to the recipient.


  • The same letter can be used over and over again
  • The same letter can be modified for different audiences
  • The value proposition to the recipient is “never-ending”
  • You can use the same letter with a different value proposition…

*  You are welcome to use it word-for-word or modify to your own style of writing or different audience.
