It’s Super Shape Time
YES!.... it’s officially BATHING SUIT SEASON!
And, you know what that means… right?
It’s that time of year when both men and women start thinking about how they are going to look in a “Bathing Suit” this summer.
Most especially my friends and family on the East Coast… What a cold, snowy winter.
Listen…. your prospects are ready for some sunshine and warm weather!!!
YOU can put them in the mood!
I know it’s hard to believe it’s almost summer... but, if you’re a true marketer... you know it’s all about the promotional conveyor belt.
You should be in the planning process… RIGHT NOW!
Hundreds of my fitness partners are conducting BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES that start on Monday, April 23rd.
They will start PROMOTING THIS WEEK!
So, I put together a set of four mini-posters called: SPRING into SUMMER — just to get ’em started.
YOU should grab them, too! It’s an INSTANT DOWNLOAD.
You can download all four (4) posters in .pdf file format for FREE!!!
Or… at least get your “wheels turning!”
Click on images to ENLARGE
(Logo & Contact text for reference only. Not on download)
On the actual .pdf files, we purposely left the lower quarter blank for YOUR LOGO and CONTACT INFORMATION. You can download all four (4) mini-posters for FREE!
- Download each poster and print a bunch of them.
- Then open up a blank document and “guesstimate” where PROMO INFORMATION as well as YOUR LOGO / CONTACT information should go.
- Then, place the pre-printed posters (that you just printed) back into your printer and re-print the Mini-Posters with the PROMO INFO and YOUR LOGO / CONTACT information.
They will look very professional!
Where to Put Them?
The most successful owners put them everywhere…!
After all you can print as many as you want. So, for starters, how about:
- The Front Desk
- Right on your Front Door
- Taped to Cardio Machines
- The Locker Room
- Head high in the Rest Rooms
- Next to your “Before & After” pictures
- All Support Beams or Columns
- Send as an Attachment to your E-Mails
- Load it up on your own website
I hope you find these posters to be helpful. And, even if you don’t use them, please allow this post to serve as a reminder that it’s time to start your PLANNING for SPRING and SUMMER PROMOTIONS!
Create an Environment
One of our most successful fitness partners promotes a Spring into Summer promo every year. And, he kicks off the promotion by playing Beach Boys and other surf related music in his club for a week.
He also brings in some sand, a beat-up surfboard, beach chairs, umbrella and sets up a little display. It is a totally “themed” promotion.
His members love it!
This is true merchandising and marketing. And, he gets total buy-in from over 50% of his existing members! And, a ton of referrals!
Online Summer Time Programming is a perfect time to deploy your ONBOARD 101 PROGRAM or any of the ONBOARD 101 PACKAGES — as an ADDED-VALUE proposition!
They will keep your clients engaged in the process and will also become referrals sources.
Whether you use any of these ideas or not isn’t what’s important. The important “Take-away” is that YOU are in a very competitive business. That means you constantly need to:
- Market and promote yourself and YOUR PROGRAMS.
- Make them fun.
- Make them easy to get involved.
- Make them friendly and full of support.