The 7 Most Powerful Fitness Marketing Nuggets


  • “Why are you here?”  Asked of all prospective members.    “Did you come here to join a room full of equipment or are you REALLY serious about changing your body?  Because, if you’re really serious you’ll want to take advantage of our personal training and nutrition programs to ensure you’re getting the most effective and efficient use of your time and effort.  If you just want a room of equipment… just join one of those $10 a month clubs!”


  • Turn it In:  Dolores C. in Florida requires each new member to “turn-in” his/her bathroom scale upon membership.  That’s right, you have to turn in your scale and she keeps it for 12 weeks.  She says it drives home the concept of body-composition over pounds-on-the-scale.


  • Weight Doesn’t Mean a Thing:  “If you gain 3 lbs but lose two dress sizes… would that be O.K.?  Then why are you using the scale as a measuring tool?”


  • How to Really Sell Weight-Management:   Rob Granville. at Forever Fit, MD requires all new staff members to enroll in his facility’s weight-management program.  It’s a condition of employment.  Says Rob, “How else is the staff going to really understand what it is we do around here?  Whether it’s weight-management, fitness or sports conditioning, it’s still about proper nutrition and exercise in a structured format .”  Since implementing the staff requirement, his weight-management and other “up-sell” programs have tripled.  A little knowledge goes a long way.


  • Numbers Crunch:  When met with price resistance, Dennis Foley, NYC, simply asks his female clients to put things in perspective by asking this question:  “How much do you spend each month on hair, skin and nails?”  Multiply that number by 12 for the yearly total.  Most spend well over $2,000 for less than 5% of their body.  So, almost any membership or PT package comes in under that price tag – and generally affects 100% of the body – including hair, skin and nails.


  • The Lifestyle Quotient:  Do your clients think they’re really working out hard.  They probably are.  But, if they workout for one (1) hour, five (5) days a week, that’s less than 3% of the time. (Divide 5 by 168 hours)  That’s why nutrition and other lifestyle factors are so important…. yes, including sleep.


  • No Guts / No Glory:  Want hard core?  Here ya go.  After a one-hour weight-management presentation (including footage of open-heart surgery) Tommy Caldwell in S. Cal., advises clients NOT to enroll in his weight-management program unless they’re ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS about making a financial, emotional and time COMMITMENT.  And for good reason.  He requires each new enrollee to sign a 7-page document that, among other things, stipulates an additional $250 cancellation fee if he or she fails to make all appointments and complete the 12-Week program.  That’s in addition to the up-front $399 enrollment fee.  Has he ever collected?  Yup.  Is it legal?  I don’t know.