Fitness Retention | Fitness Referrals | Fitness Revenue


Call it whatever you want… 


—>  Health Club Retention, Health Club Referrals, Health Club Revenue… or 


—>  Personal Training Retention, Personal Training Referrals, Personal Training Revenue... or 


—>  Fitness Studio Retention, Fitness Studio Referrals, Fitness Studio Revenue… 


It doesn’t really matter.


You can see the common goals are the 3Rs.  



This isn’t just the holy grail of the fitness business.  It’s the holy grail of ALL SERVICE-BASED BUSINESSES!


Just look at advertising agencies.  Accounting firms.  Law firms.  Hotels. Restaurants.  Need I go further..?



It’s so Damned Noisy…


So, how do you get past all the NOISE…!


First off, start off by imprinting YOUR BRAND on that piece of real estate in peoples’ brains reserved for “health.”


The more they see it… the more you OWN that piece of real estate.


Ultimately, if successfully executed, when they think “health” they think YOU! 


Sure, no one is going to tell you they joined your club because they saw a wrapped vehicle. They don’t join because of your branded polo shirt either!


Branding is not easily tracked via metrics.


But it does breed:

  • familiarity
  • trust
  • confidence


… And, dozens of positive attributes for your business. Especially important in such a noisy world. 


Not to be confused with paid brand advertising. (Don’t do it).  This is still a sales-driven business and “measurable response marketing” is still the best. 


But, nonetheless, the more you can BRAND:

  • signage
  • apparel
  • supplements
  • bars
  • books
  • video
  • social media
  • web engagement

…the better!