How Today’s Fit Pros Invest For Success ONLINE….


I just love the way this question was “framed” and presented to me. 


“Would you invest $60 dollars to generate $199 (gross) $139 (net profit)?” 


That’s not a bad return on investment.  Especially if it doesn’t require any effort or time.

That’s exactly the question that Marcie Whitman asked me the other day…

And, it’s EXACTLY what she does with her Onboard 101 Program

She charges $199 for the done-for-you 12-module curriculum.   

But, for each one sold, she allocates $60 dollars for Starbucks Gift Cards

Then, every time a client completes a Chapter and passes the Chapter Quiz, she sends him/her a $5.00 online Starbucks Gift Card via email.

Yup… five bucks for EACH CHAPTER… for a total of $60 per client.

Her Clients Love It…

Her clients love this type of validation and incentive

But, that’s not all she does. 

Public Recognition…

Marcie also had this 8.5 x 11″ handout (scroll down) made into a giant poster using simple poster board and magic markers.

And, she posted everybody’s progress through the curriculum (without the actual quiz scores). 

This is so incredibly effective.  And, here’s the math to prove it:

10 Clients….

Enroll 10 Clients @ $199. = $1,999.
Less 10 x $60 Starbucks =    -$600.
Total Revenue w/incentives: $1,399  (NET PROFIT)

This automatically pays for the done-for-you Onboard 101platform ($699) and still puts a ton of cash in her pocket!

Amazing with Automation!

Marcie’s ONBOARD 101 system is set-up to run automatically (highly suggested – tutorial)… so, it’s just a matter of score keeping!

But, here’s what is even MORE important.   

Her clients have been incentivized and recognized for their continued HEALTH EDUCATION!  (hey, it ain’t all reps, sets and stations!)

This is just another example of creative educational marketing that makes MONEY with almost NO LABOR.    


FYI: Marcie has run more than 50 people through her ONBOARD 101 platform in just the past 4 months ($9,950 gross / $6,950 net after incentives). 

The Future… Just 2 Things

Listen, this is just one example of the TWO TACTICS all COACHES, TRAINERS and STUDIOS must do to elevate their businesses to the next level:

1.) Public Speak (Seminars, Webinars, Live Events)
2.) Online eCommerce Passive Income (Onboard 101, Supplements, Apparel, Video Workouts, Membership Content, Cooking, etc.)

My heartfelt goal is to help you achieve the absolute success YOU deserve

I already know you have the skills.