How to Stay Ahead of Coronavirus With Your Clients and Members


Rule #1 for public relations and, most especially, “crisis communications” is to stay ahead of it.


And, while you may not be thinking about it, I can assure you that your clients and members are thinking about the Coronavirus or COVID-19.


After all, the media is wall-to-wall, 24/7 with updates of quarantines, fatalities and other statistics — most which revolve around areas where groups of people gather (cruise ships, airplanes, workplaces, etc.).   


So, this disease is on the forefront of their minds.  It’s just common sense that they might think twice about your facility — a place where groups of people gather. 


A place where there’s more than normal skin exposure, sweat and heavy breathing!


Most Likely There’s No Risk


Most likely there’s absolutely no risk in your market area.  Probably no reported cases at all.   


Nonetheless, this is what “getting out in front” is all about.


It makes a “statement” that you’re a leader.  That you’re on top of the situation.  That you CARE about the health, wellbeing and very real concerns of your clients and/or members.  


Use This Letter on Multiple Platforms


Here’s a quick and easy letter you can download and edit meet your specific requirements and “voice.”   


This one letter can be used on several mediums including your blog, social media post, email and even a hard copy letter sent snail mail to your members clients.   


I hope you’ll use it. 


Beyond addressing some real fears you’ll be reinforcing your leadership and authority positioning in your market area. 


Downloads (MS Word and .pdf) are available at the bottom of this post. 


Dear [Client/Member Name],


By now, you’re well aware of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential spread.  I can assure you it’s on my mind, too. In fact, perhaps more than most – considering the nature of my business.  


As such, I’m reaching out in order to let you know how we handle cleaning and hygiene in our facility. It is a continual process. 


First off, you should know my staff and I are constantly on the lookout for your safety.   To ensure cleanliness and hygiene, we:

  • Regularly wipe down all equipment with disposable, sanitized wipes;


  • Provide hand sanitizers at multiple stations for your use;


  • Have placed additional trash receptacles around the facility for your convenience;


  • Constantly monitor and clean high-traffic areas (restrooms, workout areas, locker room, etc) with disinfectants and other non-toxic cleansers;


I’m also requesting your help.  Starting soon, you’ll see:


  • Posted reminders that encourage cleanliness – this is OUR house;


  • Signage requesting you (and all members) to wipe down equipment even after light use;


  • Our personal request that you become an advocate for a clean facility and report anything that needs improvement toward this cause;


And, finally, here is my commitment to you:  


  • I will personally respond to all complaints and/or problems immediately.  A clean, safe and friendly facility is my highest priority and will be addressed.


You are my highest priority.


[Your Name]


I hope you find this useful.  Please feel free to download and edit these documents. 


Letter – Coronavirus (MS Word – Laptop or Desktop Only)

Letter – Coronavirus (.pdf)

CDC Coronavirus Handout (.pdf)

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