The Ultimate Web Suite
We just introduced a new digital platform called the Ultimate Web Suite.
It’s the most sophisticated product launch in my company’s history as it combines 3-different websites into one comprehensive online platform.
There is nothing else in the world even close to it.
If you’ve been part of my PLF Marketing Group (mail list) for a while, you know how it goes…
We start off by launching all new products at a ridiculously low, “no-brainer” price.
That’s because I will always… always… ALWAYS reward the “ACTION TAKERS.”
You probably know by now that 90% of being successful is all about taking action!
Learning the Hard Way…
I, too, learned this the hard way… several times!
- I turned-down an opportunity to join a Starbuck’s partnership (1985) that locked-up a territory including all of West Los Angeles, CA — for just $5,000. I just couldn’t understand why anyone would pay $2.00 for a cup of coffee!
- I passed on an opportunity to head up a new marcomm department for Apple Computer (1986). They wanted to pay me part cash and part stock. I thought they were trying to rip me off with the stock option! (That stock would be worth over $10 million today).
There’s more. But, I won’t dwell.
The point is this: Opportunities are only CLEAR in 20/20 hindsight.
The old “woulda, coulda, shoulda” is where most people live — until they learn to become “Action Takers.”
Calculated Risks
Yes, almost all investments are a risk. But, it should be a “calculated” risk.
So, allow me to add to your calculations for the ULTIMATE WEB SUITE…
1.) It is an investment in YOU and YOUR BUSINESS (not some other business) meaning YOU have control of this investment and how to leverage it.
2.) ONLINE, DIGITAL PLATFORMS are the future of all fitness businesses – whether you like it or not. Physical locations will continue — but, we’ve just spent the last 6 months training people HOW to workout at home. They like it! Businesses that refuse to adapt will eventually perish.
3.) Relationship Marketing via actionable, engaging and empowering CONTENT is the new strategy for all “online” service-based businesses – most especially fitness professonals and health coaches.
4.) Online profit generators including products, e-learning courses, paid memberships, affiliate partnerships and other digital services will become major revenue sources with premium margins.
Is it Time to Invest in Yourself?
As stated earlier, if your website, content and online presence is converting well for you, then, frankly, there’s no reason for you to invest in this platform…. at any price.
But, if you don’t have a website… or, your current website is old and tired, then, this could be the absolute best investment you could possibly make for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS — especially at this ridiculous price.
Even, if you don’t see it today… I promise, in almost no time, with 20/20 hindsight, you’ll realize what a smart investment you’ve made.
Most health professionals who level-up their websites increase leads, referrals and conversions right away!
So, if this is the right investment for you, then I hope you take advantage of the “ACTION TAKER” PRICE.”