How to Get UNSTUCK
It’s not just fitness business owners.
Almost ALL small business owners are feeling STUCK.
But, it’s especially difficult for health and fitness professionals, like you.
You’re spending more time on your business for less growth and results.
You’re not making as big an impact on peoples lives — which has always been your calling.
And, you’re definitely not bringing in the profits that your business could.
Many business owners are so “stuck” they’ve given-up altogether.
But not you…
Maybe it’s your competitive nature. Or, your total commitment and dedication to helping people.
Whatever the reason, something inside you says, “Keep going!”
So, you continue to “push” through.
…at the same time worrisome.
Here’s why:
That inner drive is not enough. It needs to be coupled with a PLAN.
It doesn’t need to be elaborate or detailed.
But, it DOES need to have a VISION.
Allow me to put this in context:
Today, it seems business owners can be categorized into three (3) zones.
1.) Those who’ve already decided and committed (right or wrong) to the future of their businesses.
2.) Those who think things will return to normal in a few months after the pandemic is gone – they just need to wait it out.
3.) Those who are stuck in transition with “analysis-paralysis” and feeling unable to make a move.
The vast majority of fit pros and health coaches fall into Zone #3.
Here’s the first thing I tell my fitness partners who are stuck: “Start with a broad brush.”
Figure out the “big picture” stuff, first…. and then drill down to the details.
We start with the two big “DRIVERS” that are going to shape our industry over the next 5 years:
Both are distinctly different, yet, related in how they interact and affect each other.
I’ve already addressed the crucial importance of Relationship Marketing in these posts:
* In fact, I constantly post about building relationships throughout my blog.
Therefore, in this email, I’m only going to address the importance of “ONLINE PLATFORMS”
There’s no shortage of fitness marketing experts and gurus with tons of advice regarding the “online” world.
And, lately, I’ve heard/read/viewed a lot of them saying things like:
- “Email is dead.”
- “You don’t need a website… just build a sales funnel.”
- “Don’t build out eCommerce.. you’ll just be competing with Amazon.”
- “Don’t waste your time and money on a membership site.”
- “Forget websites and funnels. Run your entire marketing on Facebook with groups and live stream”
Frankly…. when I hear these things I get a little angry.
Here’s the honest-to-God truth…
In today’s new world of fitness marketing you need to be thinking about ALL of those things… and a whole lot more.
IMPORTANT: I didn’t say DO all of those things. I said THINK about all of those things.
And, then, begin to formulate your own plan based on what YOU believe will be best for YOUR BUSINESS.
But, understand this: Having an ONLINE PLATFORM is the new NORMAL. It is absolutely necessary and expected. It’s NOT an option, anymore.
The biggest obstacle for most fit pros and coaches is all the technology.
And, that’s a big one since the online world is all about technology.
Tech is the “thread” that weaves and integrates all kinds of words, images, videos and numerous other elements into your online storefront.
There are hundreds of elements and functions beyond the website, itself. Things like:
- Forms
- Email Optins
- eCommerce Shopping Carts
- Payment Gateways
- Shippers (FedEx, UPS, etc)
- Online Appointment Schedulers
- Video Hosting and Embedding
- Memberships / Subscriptions
- Downloads and Uploads
- Assessment Forms
- Blog Posts
- SEO (search engine optimization)
- Security and Backups
- … and the list goes on!
It’s a little overwhelming… right?
It’s no wonder so many talented fit pros and coaches, and maybe you, are simply paralyzed by all of this stuff.
And, frankly, it really shouldn’t be your focus, anyway!
Your focus should be on your clients. Your relationships. Your business.
If you were to build out a studio or a home…
- Would you actually build out the space?
- Would you install the plumbing?
- Would you wire all the electrical?
Of course not. You (or your landlord) would hire contractors for that.
That should be the exact same mindset for your online digital platform.
Assuming you agree with this mindset, then, the next step is determining WHAT kind of platform to build and WHO should build it.
I know this will sound like a pitch for our done-for-you platforms, but, it’s really not.
My goal here is to simply encourage you to think about, the big issues facing your business.
Today’s websites are extremely complex and sophisticated.
With cloud-based technology you can do almost anything.
As I see it, there are two different ways to get over the “tech hump.”
There are a bunch of “all-in-one” type platforms like Kajabi, Kartra, Podia, Teachable, Thinkific, ClickFunnels, etc.
They are all excellent platforms with the highest levels of sophistication.
But, at the same time, the all-in-ones require you to conform your business to their available functions — which can be limiting (Ex. they don’t offer physical product shipping with the major carriers FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc.)
Using a “home building” analogy, these sites basically serve as an infrastructure or the “framing” with the wiring, plumbing and electrical already in place.
And, of course, they are designed to accommodate a broad spectrum of different types of businesses. Not specifically a health and fitness business.
So, hopefully the wiring, plumbing and electrical are in the right places and will suffice. If not, custom functions will cost extra.
The typical monthly recurring ranges from $99/mth up to $299/mth or more depending on functionality.
At the end of the day, an all-on-one platform is like renting an apartment.
It’s an inexpensive way to get started since there are no upfront costs.
They are very budget-friendly during start-up.
A different option is to hire a “Developer” to build out your own custom digital platform.
Most developers use WordPress to create a website specific to your business, its offerings and requirements.
Again, using the “home building” analogy, your digital platform will be like a custom home with the wiring, plumbing and electrical exactly where you want them.
A developer will create a digital platform specific to you and your business with a digital infrastructure already in place allowing you to scale and grow.
One of the big advantages to WordPress is that it offers a library of thousands of custom plugins for free. These plugins offer an unlimited array of elements and functions.
Many fit pros and health coaches choose the “custom solution” because they realize right away that an all-in-one platform will not meet their needs.
They don’t want to go through the building process twice. (From apartment dweller to home owner!)
Make no mistake. The Custom Solution involves upfront costs along with monthly hosting.
But if you can afford it, the Custom Solution is worth considering.
So, that’s it. A really long post to suggest you start right here:
Take a big long look at:
- your business
- your requirements
- your time, budget and level of motivation.
Then, overlay the two (2) big drivers:
… and start to formulate a plan incorporating them.
Believe me, as your “wheels” start to turn… you’ll start to gain clarity.
And, with clarity comes motivation.
With motivation comes action and execution.
So, if you’re feeling STUCK… pick a day — pick a time — and as silly as this may sound: START THINKING!
And, become unstuck!