How to be Successful with Online Supplement Sales
Three years ago I wrote a commission check to Danny Langston for $1.92 — That’s right… just $1.92 for a full month’s commission.
This week, we’re sending him a check for $1,271.10 — and he can literally count on at least that same amount, or more, next month and every month from here on out.
That’s net/net profits with no labor or time commitment on his part. Pure passive, recurring income!
Of course, not everybody is earning this amount. But, they could…
The two (2) huge advantages of carrying a proprietary, super-premium line of nutritional formulations is:
- They will honestly HELP YOUR CLIENTS achieve results through more efficient lipid transport and effective muscle recovery as their bodies adjust to the increased physical load — as well as overall health maintenance.
- They are “repurchase” products that become a part of their “healthy lifestyle” regimen (just like soap, toothpaste and deodorant) – thus, becoming a “recurring passive profit center” for your business.
I know there are a few other companies that offer similar “white label” products.
But, you either need to purchase a “boat load” (usually over $3,000) worth of products….
….the product line is pure garbage and not worth jeopardizing your reputation by wrapping your logo around such an inferior product line (compare the ingredients).
And, yes, there are plenty of alternatives like MLM organizations… but, do you really want to be selling the same products that everyone else is selling… including some of your clients?
To be honest, most fit pros and health coaches don’t offer supplements to their clients — for a variety of reasons:
- Perceived scope-of-practice issue
- Don’t believe in supplementation
- Too time consuming
- Can’t afford an inventory
It’s a little frustrating because fit pros and health coaches know more about nutrition and nutritional supplementation than almost anyone else (except dietitians and sport nutritionists).
But, the biggest reason is because fit pros and health coaches are almost always focused on TODAY... and, specifically getting more CLIENTS and SELLING MORE SESSIONS…. TODAY!
After all, this is a highly competitive SALES-DRIVEN business.
So, the thought of investing in something that BUILDS MOMENTUM OVER TIME is typically off the radar.
It’s a missed opportunity… and I “get it.”
I missed the Starbucks opportunity (was offered Hollywood, CA territory in 1986) thinking no one would pay $2.00 for a cup of coffee!
I missed Facebook at $14 per share thinking… “how are they going to monetize a free platform..?”
I totally missed bit coin even though one of my best friends “mined” one in 2009.
I just didn’t SEE the OPPORTUNITIES.
And, so it goes as the fitness industry transitions to more of an online universe where “online eCommerce offerings” of products and services become expected.
It’s the new normal.
But, not everyone sees it.
Nor, can they even focus on it because EVERYTHING is about TODAY!
So, if you are a bit of a “visionary” and forward thinking, then, right now is a great time to get in on this OPPORTUNITY.
The popular “online profit generator” eCommerce / Dropship Program is what many call a “no-brainer” investment.
If you’re building out the “online” portion of your hybrid business or going 100% “online” then, this could be THE passive profit center of your business!
And, it will build MOMENTUM (revenue) over time.
In fact, while most platforms increase a fit pro’s productivity (scheduling, workouts, email, etc.) the eCommerce / Dropship Program will actually generate NEW PROFITS –– and it’s 100% AUTOMATED.
It may, in fact, be the best investment you ever make in your business!
If you’re passionate about offering optimal nutrition to your clients, right now is the time to get in on the OPPORTUNITY .
If you want to be on the cutting edge of successful “online” revenue generation —> CLICK or TAP HERE…