Could THIS be YOUR Opportunity…?
Honestly, I can’t remember when we’ve ever been put through such a “stress test” as the “Cron” continues to infect the world and impact our businesses!
Nonetheless, you, me and health professionals around the globe continue to “carry on” — and in some cases, even thrive!
If that’s you, then, you should be proud! (thousands of fitness businesses have not survived it.)
And, while the pandemic has devastated lives and businesses… the truth is…. “health” and, specifically health professionals (like you), are on the media forefront and, thus, in the midst of an opportunity.
Just think about this: Every single day, local, national and international news media (TV, radio, newsprint, internet, etc) are talking about Covid and its related effects.
They are ALSO talking about peoples’ immune systems and comorbidities like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
They are talking to millions upon millions of people about subjects of which YOU ARE AN EXPERT!!!
Back in the 1940’s as World War II was coming to an end, Winston Churchill was quoted, “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”
What he implied was a “crisis” causes you to look for a silver lining and to seek opportunities where they might not have been before.
This brings me to the point of this email: Your Message
Every year at this time almost all health professionals are talking / messaging about “Weight-Loss.”
It’s been the same message for over 75 years!
But, this year Cory Geller decided to UPDATE his messaging in order to leverage all the media attention toward Covid.
He presented the same public seminar he’s always given for the last 10 years: The Truth About Weight-Loss.
But this year he UPDATED the title to: “How to Build Your Immune System, Lose Weight & Stay Healthy Forever!”
Such a simple thing!!!
It’s the exact same seminar… EXCEPT he added IMMUNE SUPPORT to the title.
It was the most well attended seminar he’s ever presented and resulted in 12 new 1:1 high-ticket coaching packages!
Through his messaging, Cory positioned himself as an expert at helping people through the pandemic and beyond!
Cory’s target market is co-ed, age 40+, affluent, college educated.
If your audience is similar, then, this an absolute “no-brainer!”
HOW you deliver your message is something to consider, too.
I’m not talking about “tactics” like social media, email, video, podcasts, etc.
Instead, it’s about your “voice” and “attitude” with which you present and deliver your message to prospects and existing clients.
Is it presented in 1st person, friendly and conversational?
Or, is it in 3rd person and clinical — like a resume?
Is it about “them” …or is it all about “you?”
I’m always amazed at how many health and fitness websites say, “We care about YOU”… and then go on to talk about themselves and the services they offer!
No bueno!!!
If you DOWNLOAD this FREE EMAIL TEMPLATE, you’ll see what I mean about the messaging:
✅ Written in 1st Person
✅ Conversational and Friendly
✅ About THEM …. not you
In today’s environment with quarantines, social distancing, masks, etc., people are truly seeking a “CONNECTION.”
They want real-time RELATIONSHIPS.
They want to be part of a community.
Yes… Facebook groups and are a start.
But, those are passive platforms and are typically used for private groups.
Liz Gladstone sends out a weekly email (proactive outreach) to her list of 800 people who are NOT clients.
Her emails are written as if you are her “best friend” and she’s just sharing some cool information with you.
In every single email she includes a link to her website (driving traffic) where her “best friends” can receive something of value, such as:
✅ A Free Recipe
✅ A Product Review
✅ A Grocery Store Checklist
✅ A Discount Coupon
✅ An At-home Workout
✅ A Motivational Talk
✅ A Video Tip
Not surprisingly, almost every week she picks up a new client or two just from these emails, alone!
Perhaps you’re thinking, “I don’t have time for all this. I need SALES TODAY!“
Yes, it’s a fact the fitness industry is 99% “sales driven.”
Yes, of course, incoming cash is the life blood of businesses.
Yes, you still need:
👉 Testimonials
👉 Before and After images
👉 Call-to-Action Offers
👉 … and all of the marketing you already perform.
But, in today’s new environment where the hybrid model (physical location + online service) is growing exponentially, messaging, connections and relationships are super important.
Especially if you plan to successfully grow your business over the long term with recurring revenue!
So, consider whether or not to assess your messaging — and how you deliver it.
Take a look at your website, blog posts, social media and all your communications and ask yourself:
👉 Is it Current?
👉 Is it 1st Person?
👉 Is it Friendly?
👉 Is it Connecting?
👉 Does it Provide Value?
👉 Does it Drive Traffic?
If the answer is YES… then, you are off to a fantastic 2022.
If not, perhaps now is a great time to leverage the opportunities…!!