Screen Shots
Client Set-up Screen Shots
These screen shots show the actual initial “Client Set-up” process. The information entered into these screens allows the system to calculate a specific menu template based on this particular client’s specific body attributes, preferences and goals.
Client Data Entry
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
This screen is to input new client data. If you’ve already conducted a fitness evaluation or assessment, you can assign a workout from the drop down menu. If you’ve already created and “front loaded” series of your own customized workouts, they will display in the drop down menu and you can select the right workout from here.
Client Profile Screen
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
Once you’ve entered the client data, your client’s profile screen will display as above. There’s a ton of information here. You can see when the client last logged in, assign new menus (once activated) assign new workouts, lock out the client (especially if they’ve not paid) and even retrieve their log in information.
At the top of the profile is a link: “View the Client’s Account.” This will put you right down into the client’s account level. Then, you and your client can make revisions to menus and workouts — either sitting together or 1,000 miles away from each other.
Set-up Screen #1
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
Before you start working with a client, the MAP System needs to see the client’s attributes in order to provide templates based on individual calculations. This is also why the menu button on the left navigation bar is disabled until the client data is complete.
You’ll note the field that allows you to enter your own BMR reading. This is helpful if you have a machine that determines BMR through carbon dioxide testing, etc. If not, the System will figure BMR through McArdle/Katch calculations.
The red warning is to simply remind you, as a trainer or admin, that you are on the client’s account level.
Medical History Screen
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
The MAP System requires you to either claim or not claim a medical condition. This is to protect you from any issues that might occur. If any of the medical conditions are checked a Physician Release Form is automatically generated with the client’s information already inserted.
Body Composition Goal
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
Unlike almost 99% of all weight-loss programs, the MAP System is totally focused on body-composition – NOT pounds-on-the-scale. Most of your clients will seek “FAT LOSS” which will trigger the MAP System to create a template where the optimal caloric intake will incorporate a “negative energy” balance. The end result is that the body will eventually dip into the fat stores for fuel during exercise.
Length of Program
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
This option allows you to create several different type of programs that might fit various Personal Training Packages. Over a 4-week period, the MAP SYSTEM will seek a 2% body-fat decrease. Over 8-weeks, it will seek 4% and over 12-weeks a 6% decrease in body-fat. Regardless of actual program length, we always recommend the 12-week setting as it’s always proven to be most accurate. This is due to the fact that in some cases it takes up to 4 weeks just to straighten out a person’s metabolism..(usually from years of yo-yo dieting) — before they even begin to lose body fat. Over a 12-week period the MAP System will also seek a 1 to 2 lb increase in lean mass.
Menu Preference
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
Here’s a little trade secret… Most “power” athletes just naturally gravitate toward high protein / high fat menus. And, they consume almost all their daily calories in just two huge meals! Sound familiar? Meanwhile, “endurance” athletes are in the carbohydrate camp and tend to be grazers. Of course, there are always exceptions, but after 20 years, we see it over and over again. If you train an athlete, just watch what foods they consume. It’s almost always predictable. The challenge for power athletes is get a more balanced menu plan with more meals and snacks to increase their carbohydrate intake with quality calories (consistent blood sugar levels). Endurance athletes just need to make sure they get in enough protein for muscle recovery.
In assessing clients, we find that they often tell you what they “think” you want to hear. Please watch this video (about 2:30 into the video) for some ways to get the truth about their real eating preferences. This screen is important as it will set up the menu template’s ranges for protein, carbohydrate and fat.
Current Activity Level
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
This screen will impact the actual number of calories the MAP System will calculate in conjunction with the client’s lean mass and body-fat ratios. You should click on the level the reflects where the client is TODAY. As your client gains metabolism and lean mass, you may want to increase caloric intake. This can be accomplished during a follow-up where the MAP System will recalculate optimal caloric intake based on the new numbers.
Weight and Measurements
(Gilbertson Athletic Club is fictitious club. Imagine YOUR LOGO in its place!)
This is the last set-up screen. O.K., so this is where the “rubber meets the road.” And, you have some options. The only required fields are “weight” and “body-fat.” However, we strongly recommend taking measurements and entering them on this screen. The reason it’s important is because quite often, the most noticeable changes are in measurements — and not the scale. This is especially true if a person is losing body-fat but also gain lean mass. On the scale… it may appear no change has taken place. But, with measurements, those changes are obvious. There have been plenty of cases where a person did not lose any weight BUT… dropped 2 dress sizes!