2X Fat-Burn Accelerator
Special Fat-Loss Combination Package for Athletes and Enthusiasts Seeking Efficient Lipid Transport and Combustion
- White Label Branded with YOUR LOGO
- Super 2-Step Fat-Loss Accelerator
- Pre & Post Activity Protocol
- Increases Energy Endurance
- Decreases Muscle Fatigue
- No Caffeine / No Stimulants
- Free Logo Set-up
NOTICE: Currently, this product combination is shipped without the plastic tube packaging as shown. The mfg. of the tube re-directed to plastic face shields for use during the pandemic.
IMPORTANT: You can “Mix ‘n Match” assorted supplements but the total order must equal $250 or more (before shipping).
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Effective Combination
This proprietary, pre- and post-workout, 2-PACK is specifically formulated for active lifestyle enthusiasts and athletes.
Here’s why:
Active lifestyle enthusiasts, fitness trainers, health coaches, nutritionists, athletes and all health professionals understand the absolute necessity and inseparability of both regular exercise and proper nutrition.
They also understand the physiology behind body-composition and long-term, permanent weight-management.
In fact, the entire concept behind the 2X Fat-Burn Accelerator is to help your body with a process it already performs, naturally, all by itself. The process is known as “fat metabolism.”
This unique formulation essentially makes fat-metabolism more efficient and longer lasting.
Are you interested in learning more about fat metabolism and how this proprietary formulation will increase your fat-burning process and push your body-composition toward “lean?”
If so, then let’s start with some basic education — as well as a dose of reality!
This lack of knowledge is EXACTLY how unscrupulous marketers of pills, powders and restricted calorie diets – prey on the public and separate them from their hard earned dollars with bogus products and faulty diet programs.
And, by now, you’ve already seen all the commercials that feature so-called experts, retired athletes and faded celebrities pitching all kinds of bogus products and diets.
Seems at this stage of their careers, they’ll do anything for a buck!
They, too, exploit this basic lack of knowledge on a trusting public — all too willing to believe in a “magic solution.”
So, to once-and-for-all dispel and dispose of the myths and misinformation perpetuated on TV, magazines, the internet and radio, let’s take a look at the basic physiology of how your body actually deals with fat.
Now, you have a general idea of how your body’s fuel system operates during exercise and activity.
You also know fat-burning is primarily conducted during “fat-metabolism” after the body has depleted its supply of ATP and Glycogen.
With that in mind, let’s discuss how this 2-part formulation actually works.
While, physiologically, it’s a complex process, fat-burning occurs by the breakdown of fat – followed by lipid transport through the bloodstream to muscle tissue — and ultimately, cellular permeation of muscle tissue where oxidation (combustion) of fat for fuel takes place.
Step #1: Breakdown and Transport
Most people are confused about body-fat and how it’s broken down in the body. For example, some people think “sweat” is melted fat coming out of the pores of their skin.
Others believe it’s possible to “spot-reduce” specific areas where body-fat has accumulated. None of this is true.
When the body enters “fat metabolism” the fat cells are called upon to pour out their content into the bloodstream and travel to the muscle tissue where it will be burned as fuel.
Therefore, the breakdown and transport of fat (lipids) through the bloodstream is important.
And that’s what the 2X Fat-Burn Accelerator is all about!
So, here are a couple of simple analogies.
Open a can of soup or stew. Floating on the top are big fat globules and little fat globules. Imagine they are your body-fat traveling through the bloodstream to your muscle tissue — where they will eventually be burned as fuel.
The smaller fat globules will get there first because they travel more freely.
Think of the difference between a single kayak and a 10-person rubber raft and how each might navigate down a river. The kayak moves freely, efficiently and quickly because it’s smaller.
So… the first step of the proprietary 2X Fat-Burn Accelerator is to help your body breakdown and transport fat (lipids) more quickly and efficiently through your bloodstream to it’s final destination – muscle tissue. All of this happens during fat metabolism.
Step #1: Permeation and Combustion
After fat is broken down — it travels through the bloodstream to it’s final destination — muscle tissue. This is where the combustion of fat (for energy) actually takes place.
Sounds simple enough. But, it’s a little more complex than you might think.
The fat, or at this point, fatty acids must penetrate the cellular walls of the muscle tissue where oxidation occurs (fat-burning process).
So, the final step of fat burning is in helping the fat actually permeate the cellular walls of the muscle tissue where it will be oxidized (burned for fuel).
As you can see by the product photo, the 2X Fat-Burn Accelerator is actually two (2) formulations placed inside a tube for efficient packaging and merchandising.
Both are pre- and post workout protocol. This means taking half the dosage (pre-workout) about 20-30 minutes before you workout and then a second dose directly after (post-workout) your workout is completed.
The two proprietary formulations are:
- Lipotropic Plus (caplets)
- Super L-Carnitine (liquid)
A typical dosage is 3 Lipotropic Caplets and 1 tablespoon of Super L-Carnitine taken 30-minutes before a cardio workout (pre). Then, the exact same dosage directly after the workout (post).
Why after? Because research has shown that with a raised metabolism, the body will continue to burn fat up to 4-8 hours after a workout or event.
Lipotropic Plus:
Lipotropic Plus is all about “lipid transport” (moving fat). It’s purpose is to breakdown fat and efficiently transport it to your muscles where it will be used (burned) for energy.
This proprietary formula is scientifically-engineered to assist in the breakdown, distribution and burning (oxidation) of fatty acids.
As explained earlier, during cardiovascular exercise fatty acids are released from adipose tissue and are transported through the blood to the working muscles where they are utilized for energy.
This is a natural physiological action when your body enters “fat metabolism” (approximately 15-20 minutes into a cardio workout).
However, the active ingredients in Lipotropic Plus actually accelerate the fat-burning process by breaking down fat into smaller droplets (emulsification).
This breakdown or emulsification of fat droplets into smaller particles is similar to how soap breaks down grease on dishes.
Will You Get a Jittery Buzz..?
Many commercial weight-loss fat burners contain caffeine, bitter orange (a derivative of ephedra) or some other stimulant. This, of course, creates havoc on the central nervous system and agitates the body.
Somehow, people think that since their bodies are sped up that they are losing weight. They are not.
Lipotropic Plus contains no stimulants. You will not get a “buzz” or feel “jittery.” Instead, you’ll feel more naturally energized and less fatigue since your muscles are being supplied with fuel.
At a point where your quads typically feel a “burning” sensation… you’ll discover they not only don’t burn, but, feel strong and willing to go further. This is the direct result and effect of efficient “lipid transport!”
Super L-Carnitine
In technical terms, the primary function of Carnitine is to facilitate the transport of fatty acids from the cell’s cytoplasm across the mitochondria membrane to the interior of the mitochondria where oxidation occurs. (Fat-burning process.)
In non-technical terms, Carnitine is the “doorman” to the Muscle Hotel.
Once fat has traveled through your bloodstream to the muscle tissue, the Super L-Carnitine Formula helps open the door — making it much easier for fat to enter the cellular areas of the muscle tissue where oxidation (fat-burning) will actually take place.
The Rate of Fat Utilization
This process increases the rate of fat utilization for fuel. This is especially advantageous when your body is in fat-metabolism.
Super L-Carnitine also helps to remove by-products of fatty acid metabolism and other toxic compounds from within the cells.
Endurance athletes have a particular fondness for the 2X Fat-Burn Accelerator. And, it’s for the exact same reason that people interested in long-term weight-management like it — efficient breakdown, transport and combustion of fat.
For example, at a certain point on a long ride or run, a cyclist or runner usually begins to feel a burning sensation in his or her quads due to muscle exhaustion. This is a sign that the muscles are not being fueled.
However, when taking this proprietary formulation, the burning sensation is significantly delayed because the fuel source — fat — is efficiently being transported to the muscle tissue – thus off-setting muscle fatigue.
Ingredients and Data
Carnitine is a vitamin-like nutrient and is essential for energy production and fat metabolism. Carnitine’s major metabolic role is associated with the transport of long chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membranes, therefore stimulating the oxidation of these substrates for metabolic energy.
Choline (Bitartrate)
Choline (Bitartrate) is considered one of the B-complex vitamins and functions with inositol as a basic constituent of lecithin.Choline is associated primarily with the utilization of fats and cholesterol in the body. Its main function is to prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver and facilitate the movement of free fatty acids into the cells for utilization. In addition, choline plays an important role in the transmission of the nerve impulses and is essential for the health of the myelin sheaths which are principle components of the nerve fibers. Since choline helps to emulsify fats and cholesterol, it has also been shown to be useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries.
Methionine is an essential amino acid which participates in the formation of nonprotein cellular constituents such as choline. Methionine is also the precursor of the nonessential amino acids cystine, carnitine, and taurine – all of which have widespread metabolic functions.
Trimethylglycine is a naturally occurring metabolite and is manufactured in the body when there are sufficient quantities of its dietary precursors choline and methionine. Trimethylglycine donates its three methyl groups to a vital biochemical process known as transmethylation. During this process eight amino acids are transformed to more than 100 other specialized amino acids. Additionally, methyl donors act as biochemical catalysts which enhance cellular reactions, therefore promoting metabolic efficiency. Methyl donors also play a major role in the oxygenation of the blood; with more methyl groups available, more oxygen can be delivered to the muscles. Methyl donors such as trimethylglycine are also involved in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) and in maintaining the integrity of the nervous system.
This amino acid serves at the basic nitrogen pool for the synthesis of nonessential amino acids and is an important element in the structure of red blood cells. Glycine is also required for the synthesis of creatine, an important source of muscular energy and is also necessary for the biosynthesis of glucose, RNA, and DNA. The most recognized symptom of glycine deficiency is a loss of energy.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin and is required for the proper absorption of vitamin B12, and for the production of hydrochloric acid and magnesium. Vitamin B6 helps linoleic acid function better in the body and plays a major role in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
In addition, vitamin B6 facilitates the release of glycogen from the liver and skeletal muscles so that it can be used for energy. Vitamin B6 also helps to maintain the balance of sodium and potassium, which regulate body fluids and promote the normal functioning of the nervous system and skeletal muscle system.
Each tablespoon (15cc) of Super L-Carnitine Formula contains:
- L-Carnitine 500 mg
- Pyridoxine HCI 5 MG
- Chromium Polynicotinate 50 mcg
Carnitine is similar to choline and a close cousin to the amino acids. However, unlike amino acids, L-carnitine is not used for protein synthesis. Carnitine was given “B vitamin” status because it has characteristics of the B-complex group (it contains nitrogen and is highly water-soluble). Additionally, carnitine is not a vitamin since it can be biosynthesized.
{Note: A vitamin by definition is a substance, which is essential to the body but cannot be produced by the body and must therefore be obtained in the diet}.
Carnitine, like many biological molecules, is available in two forms: L-carnitine and DL-carnitine. These two forms, or isomers, are mirror images of each other. However only the L-isomer is physiologically effective. DL-carnitine is a competitive inhibitor of L-carnitine in several metabolic processes. Only L-carnitine is found in natural foods (see “Dietary Sources of Carnitine”).
Origin and Biosynthesis
Carnitine was first isolated in 1905. Researchers, however, have just recently discovered L-carnitine’s extensive metabolic attributes and its nutritional importance.
L-carnitine is a nonessential nutrient, however it can only be manufactured in the presence of methionine, lysine, vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, and iron. The nutritional status of the individual, therefore, greatly influences the body’s ability to manufacture carnitine.
The primary function of carnitine is to facilitate the transport of fatty acids from the cell’s cytoplasm across the mitochondrial membrane to the interior of the mitochondria where oxidation occurs.
Without carnitine as a carrier, the fatty acids are unable to penetrate the membrane of the mitochondria which results in a decreased rate of fat utilization and energy. L-carnitine also helps to remove the by-products of fatty acid metabolism and other toxic compounds from within the cells.
Exogenous carnitine can be obtained in one of two ways:
- L-carnitine is normally obtained from dietary sources. Foods derived from animals are generally rich in L-carnitine, whereas plant foods and vegetables contain little or none.
- Meat is by far the richest source of L-Carnitine as is demonstrated on the following list:
Total Content of L-Carnitine mg / 100 grams Raw Food
- Sheep 210.00
- Lamb 78.00
- Beef 64.00
- Pig 30.00
- Rabbit 21.00
- Chicken 7.50
- Cow’s Milk 2.00
- Eggs 0.80
- Peanuts 0.10
*A vegetarian diet is typically low in L-carnitine and in the amino acids needed for its biosynthesis (L-lysine and L-methionine).
- L-carnitine can also be obtained through dietary supplementation. Supplemental L-carnitine is usually available in a concentrated liquid form, or as part of a lipotropic complex (dosages may vary).
Supplemental L-Carnitine and Athletic Performance
The results of recent research demonstrates the beneficial effects of supplemental L-carnitine when used prior to strenuous physical activity. In a pilot study involving college students, subjects receiving 300 mg doses of L-carnitine experienced dramatic increases in aerobic capacity as determined by the MaxVO2 (maximal volume of oxygen consumed).
L-Carnitine and Cardiovascular Disease
As previously mentioned, L-carnitine’s primary role in the body is to transport fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane for beta oxidation. The ability of L-carnitine to improve blood lipid profiles (LDL/HDL) is pronounced.
For example: When given to subjects suffering from hyperlipidemia, 900 mg per day of supplemental L-carnitine reduced blood triglycerides from an initial value of 440 mg/dl to 186 mg/dl after eight weeks of treatment.
Treating individuals with Type II and Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia with three grams of supplemental L-carnitine per day for 40 days resulted in substantial decreases in plasma triglycerides as well as a decrease in the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol.
L-Carnitine has also been shown to significantly lower triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol in individuals receiving hemodialysis (the process of removing blood for purification before returning it to the body). Additionally, L-Carnitine has been shown to reduce free fatty acid levels in the arteries by two to three fold.
L-Carnitine Side Effects and Toxicity
Carnitine is completely safe, with the possible exception of mild diarrhea at very high doses. The Life Sciences Research Office of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), under contract with the Bureau of Foods at the Food and Drug Administration, published a comprehensive review entitled “Health Effects of Dietary Carnitine” in 1983. They reported that in studies where 1 to 15 grams of L-carnitine were given as a normal supplement, the only side-effect was transient diarrhea. [NOTE: Large amounts of most substances will induce diarrhea due to an increase in osmotic pressure in the bowel].
The lethal dosage of carnitine in mice has been determined to be 8.9 grams per kilogram body weight when given by subcutaneous injection (under the skin). For a 60 kilogram person, this would be equal to approximately 540 grams, or well over one pound! No oral lethal dosage has ever been reported. This may be contrasted to aspirin, whose oral lethal dosage in mice is 1.1 gram per kilogram body weight. In humans, the oral consumption of 20 grams of aspirin is potentially lethal. Carnitine, therefore, is not only safer than aspirin, it is in fact one of the least toxic substances on earth.
References and Resources
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Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trials
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- Brass, E. P., S. Adler, K. E. Sietsema, W. R. Hiatt, A. M. Orlando and A. Amato (2001). “Intravenous L-carnitine increases plasma carnitine, reduces fatigue, and may preserve exercise capacity in hemodialysis patients.” Am J Kidney Dis 37(5): 1018-28.
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Additional information
Weight | 2.0 lbs |
Dimensions | 3.25 × 3.25 × 12.25 in |