The #1 Way to Grow and Scale Your Business is to PRESENT YOUR PASSION!
The Slide Deck Bundle
Includes: Slide Deck, Video and Script
Branded with YOUR LOGO!

* Slide Deck available in Powerpoint, Keynote or Google Slides
Not everyone needs, or wants, the entire Weight-Management & Lifestyle Seminar Kit for a variety of reasons. So... we created this special "Slide Deck Bundle" that includes just the bare bones presentation elements -- without the promotional marketing materials, checklists and coaching tutorials.
This special Slide Deck Bundle includes:
Slide Deck: (29 slides) with "user-triggered" animations - branded with YOUR LOGO.
Video Presentation: with professional voice over- branded with YOUR LOGO.
Script: Proven slide-by-slide text in MS Word so you can edit to YOUR STYLE.

Professional Slide Deck Presentation
Available in Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides
With animated elements at your control...

Powerpoint, Keynote or Google Slides - this professional slide deck can be displayed on walls, screens and online devices for both live and online presentations.
Designed to Educate & Convert
This professionally produced slide-deck presentation has proven to be 100% successful as a motivational tool to influence your audience to TAKE ACTION - IMMEDIATELY!
The goal is to educate and empower your audience. Then, produce "conversions." That is, to convert your audience into enthusiastic purchasers of your credible weight-management and/or lifestyle program and/or overall health coaching services.
Whether you project on a screen, a wall or stream it "online" to a global audience, this professionally designed 29-slide presentation with animations will absolutely dazzle your audience... with the TRUTH about Weight-Management and Healthy Lifestyle protocol.
Many "done-for-you" products should be labeled "almost done-for-you" since they still require you to use Canva or Photoshop to place or embed your brand logo.
Not our products.
We do it ALL for you including the placement and embedding of YOUR BRAND LOGO on everything. Yes... it takes more time and labor to produce. But, it's the essence of what we do -- and the reason we work with more health and fitness professionals than any other "branded content" resource in the industry.
* Slide Deck available in Powerpoint, Keynote or Google Slides

A Multi-Purpose Video Presentation - with YOUR LOGO
How will YOU use it..?
This is the actual slide deck content formatted to a "quick read" video format.
This video will be delivered to you with YOUR ACTUAL LOGO embedded throughout the entire presentation.
Creative Uses...
Originally, this video was produced to simply demonstrate how the script aligns with each slide of the presentation. But, I quickly found out a lot of marketing savvy health professionals were using this same video for multiple purposes.
Many embed the video on their website as a “refresher” for those who attend the seminar or workshop.
Others create video snippets for social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. You have our permission to edit.
And, one of my favorites is how it’s often used as a presentation "preview" when pitching corporate clients, municipalities, schools and other groups.
How will YOU use the video..?
[I always hate having to post this]: Please do not record or electronically duplicate any of our posted materials. Invisible tracking pixels are embedded into all graphic/video materials and tracked via bots to determine if they have been pirated, copied or duplicated without authorization. For more information.

A Professionally Written Presentation Script

Once again, when we say, "Done-For-You" we really mean it. We provide you with a "proven script" that has literally generated millions of dollars in sales. So, yes, it's "proven."
Most presenters spend hours upon hours honing a script that delivers just the right message to their audience. This is a huge time saver.
Upon purchase, it will be sent to you as an MS Word document so you can edit to fit your own "voice" and presentation style.
Or... just simply use as is. Easy, right?
Did I Mention Webinars?
Whether you decide to present via live event, webinars, Zoom or all of them, this same script can be used.
This same presentation can be used as a "gateway" or introduction to all of your health and fitness services (especially Onboard 101) from weight-management and nutrition counseling to small group and one-on-one sessions.
It's also a favorite among fitness professionals who conduct their businesses 100% online.

The Slide Deck Bundle
Branded with YOUR LOGO!

This bundle includes:
Slide Deck: (29 slides) with "user-triggered" animations - branded with YOUR LOGO.
Video Presentation: with professional voice over- branded with YOUR LOGO.
Script: Proven slide-by-slide text in MS Word so you can edit to YOUR STYLE.
* Slide Deck available in Powerpoint, Keynote or Google Slides
Multi-Purpose | Unlimited Use

A presentation about credible weight-management is the #1 way to attract new clients for several reasons. Here are a few:
Education: Most people have no idea if the information they receive about weight management is accurate. This slide deck presentation is indisputable as it relates to healthy weight management strategies, the dangers of restricted calorie dieting and the importance of both exercise and nutrition as a no-nonsense protocol.
Awareness: The rise of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other health issues is a growing concern worldwide. This slide deck presentation will help raise awareness of the consequences of being overweight or obese -- and the importance of creating a positive, healthy lifestyle.
Motivation: Just the very fact that people attend your presentation means they are interested (hot leads). This slide deck presentation provide tips, strategies and type of credible information. That, in combination with your personality, will motivate them to finally take action.
Community Building: Your presentation, whether a live event or online will bring like-minded people together -- and create a sense of community around the topic of weight-management. During the Q&A session, (at the end of the presentation) participants will share their own experiences, ask questions and learn from each other -- all of which will lead to conversions from attendees to clients.
Overall, presenting a slide deck presentation about weight-management can be a valuable tool for educating, raising awareness, motivating and building community within your business.
There are unlimited opportunities to speak about Weight-Management and Lifestyle. You can present at:
✅ Local companies, businesses
✅ Schools, PTA, high school sports teams
✅ Churches and other houses of worship
✅ Community and business organizations and clubs
✅ Apartment and condo complexes with recreation rooms
✅ Gated communities
✅ Chambers of commerce
✅ Police and Fire Depts.
✅ Municipal Departments ie: water, gas, electric, public works, transit, etc.
✅ Hospitals and medical facilities
.... and of course, your own club or studio!
The slide deck is available in three different slide deck formats including:
- Powerpoint
- Keynote
- Google Slides.
YES! If you decide to purchase the entire Weight-Management & Lifestyle Seminar Kit at a later date when it's released, we will deduct the amount you paid for this Slide Deck Bundle from the cost of the entire kit. That only seems fair.