Posts Tagged ‘private label fitness products’
Why Fitness Pros Should Offer Their Own Line of Nutritional Supplements
Here are 10 compelling reasons why you, as a fitness pro, should consider offering your own branded line of nutritional supplements: ✅ Offering Informed Solutions: Every individual has unique nutritional needs. By knowing your proprietary line of branded nutritional supplements, you can ensure that the supplements align perfectly with the training and nutrition…
Read MoreConfused About Supplements – Free Handout
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD… If there’s one thing in the fitness business that causes a tremendous amount of confusion… it’s supplements. Seriously, you almost need to be a biochemist to understand them. And, that’s exactly why bogus manufacturers get away with so many crappy products. For example, would you know how to…
Read MoreGumball Millionaire
Here’s a story about creative PRICING and VALUE and PROMOTION. Here it is… I once listened to a business owner tell his story. He owned gumball stands – the pedestal kind with the glass bubble “head” and the “quarter-slot” payment mechanism. He wasn’t doing great. He had gumball machines in offices (lots…
Read MoreUnlock Your New Revenue Streams
Why YOU Should Market YOUR OWN line of Branded Products As a health and fitness professional, you have a fantastic opportunity just waiting for you. It’s hard to say why almost 90% of all health and fitness professionals miss this financial opportunity, but, no doubt it’s due to the unrelenting focus on getting…
Read MoreSay Good-bye to the “One-Trick” Health & Fitness Professional
Do you remember… … the time when a personal trainer could simply sell personal training sessions… and that was it! Or, when clubs could simply sell memberships…. get the EFT rolling… and call it a day! The entire business model was essentially based on a single revenue stream. Our industry was a “one trick pony” and everybody stayed out of each other’s way. …
Read MoreIs Fitness Just Easy Money..? Ask a Wannabe!
Can you imagine how great it would be if the fitness offering was the same as a bar? Bartender: “What will it be gentlemen?” “Give me a Bud. And, the same for my buddy here.” “O.K. that will be $7.00.” (If a Club operated like a bar): Front desk person:…
Read MoreFlash vs. Process… and Your CRM
Recently, I learned a brand new term that relates to both Fitness and CRM. But, first, a little background. Yvonne Cummings has 23 clients who have been training with her, consistently, for 10 years. And, some even longer. In 2006, when she moved 30 miles away to open her new studio, half of…
Read MoreHow to Accelerate Your Fitness Business
I know. I know…. All the fitness sales gurus tell you that this business is all about sales…. as in “sales-driven.” Well, that may be true for today and tomorrow… but, if you plan to have a long-term career as a health professional… then, you really need to take a longer view. …
Read MoreHow to HELP Your Clients Navigate STRESS…!!
[Free STRESS ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST at the bottom of this post!] If you are a Health Coach or Fit Pro who consults with clients beyond physical activity and nutrition… And, if you approach other elements of life that we all navigate, then, this is a fantastic introduction to how STRESS impacts our physical…
Read MoreThe Alternative to Discounts…!
Here we go again. In the next few weeks, millions of health and fitness professionals and top health coaches will continue to make this awful mistake. Sure, we all want new clients and members. And, we all want to make more money. But, for some reason, Black Friday and Cyber Monday turn…
Read MoreDo NOT Hire Me…
I was at dinner the other night with an old friend who is not involved in the fitness trade. Nonetheless, we ended up talking about fitness because he was asking my advice about personal trainers. He needs one. In the midst of the conversation he blurted out, … a personal trainer…
Read MoreAre You Famous?
JJ Johnson is. At least within his market area. His branding is impressive. JJ is a sophisticated marketer and understands the value of imprinting his brand on his clients and members. But it wasn’t always this way. How did JJ become famous? It’s all about capturing “mind-share.” Who’s Captured Your Mind?…
Read MoreHow Do You Know if You’ve Got What It Takes…?
When I was 22 years old, a friend of mine named Tommy Jordan, who was just a few years older, got a job in sales at a Jack LaLanne’s European Health Spa. I laughed because he was so shy. I mean downright timid! Within two years he was running the place and…
Read MoreHow to Convert $11.99 into $23,000 – Old School Style
At first, it was hard to believe. But then, again, there are some really smart fit pros and health coaches in our industry. And they use their creativity to help leverage their branded fitness products into some very effective branded fitness marketing. It also explains why Erica will become a gazillionaire if she…
Read MoreHow to Build Coaching Partnerships
Recently, I’ve been writing about partnerships. Namely, the medical community (a gold mine)! Hooking up with schools is another great partnering opportunity: Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools College Athletic Departments That’s right — partnering with coaches. Over the years, many top trainers have shared their “coaching” experiences with me. And…
Read MoreOne-Event Wonders
Trust me… You’ve got ’em! I may have told you how I owned and operated a Weight-Management office in Newport Beach, California during the late 80’s and early 90’s. I received several emails asking if I would share some of the challenges and obstacles we faced and how we overcame them. …
Read MoreHow to Play Fitness Money Ball
If I were your fitness business marketing consultant… the very first thing I would ask you to do is this: Go rent, download or stream and watch “Moneyball.” Honestly, the movie serves as a perfect metaphor for what’s going on in the fitness business right now. And, why…
Read MoreStupid Idea that Works!
I’m pretty clear on most things “Marketing and Sales.” After all I’ve been at this game for more than 40 years — and the last 30 years running one of the most successful “micro-branding” businesses in the country. So, when one of our customers came to me with this idea… I told him it…
Read MoreHow Top Health Coaches Start a Client Transformation
Most clients have big expectations when they plunk down their money for a fitness, weight-management program or comprehensive health coaching program. Interestingly… they never tell you “what” those expectations are. Instead, they just keep it all in their heads. In their minds, there is a certain weight (they have a number!) A specific…
Read MoreHow to Get Your Clients to Take You Home!
If you’ve ever spoken to me on the phone, you know that I often talk about SMIT. The Single Most Important Thing. It can be big or small. It can be a long-term or instant. In all things, SMIT is about FOCUS. CLARITY. Sometimes the SMIT can take a…
Read MoreThe Missing Link Of Your Business
With the exception of a few… almost all clubs, studios, indoor boot camps and other fitness venues seem to miss one of the most basic, primary elements of marketing. Here It Is.. Over the the years I’ve visited hundreds of fitness facilities. And in each case there were signs and banners with…
Read MoreWhat 1978 and Fitness Have in Common
I moved to Orange County, California in 1978. My very first job in my new state was working for Jack LaLanne’s European Health Spa as a young 24-year old aspiring fitness manager. “I loved the job. I loved helping people learn how to get healthy.” But another big part…
Read More5 Hot Ideas to Increase Profits!
For the past several years, new fitness trends require big facility owners as well as boutique studio owners to increase overhead with new equipment, new programming and specialized staff – often with little or no ROI. The logic behind this imbalance often is justified as a means to acquire new members in…
Read MoreHow to Get Referrals with a Paper Clip!
This sounds crazy.. right? Yet, one of our customers, Roberta Sanchez, recently told me how she gets tons of referrals through the use of a paper clip! Well… that’s the way she presented it. Got my attention. Here’s what she really meant… She simply hand-writes a simple “welcome” note and…
Read MoreFitness Ferrari
If I were your fitness business marketing consultant, here’s the next thing we would do… together. We would hop in my car and go visit a few car dealerships! Let’s Go! There are several similarities among fitness clubs / studios and auto dealerships. At the local level, they are similar in that both…
Read MoreWeight-Management on Digital Autopilot
At least once a week someone asks me for a weight-management program that can “run 100% on auto-pilot.” The fact is..even our ONBOARD 101 isn’t 100% auto-pilot if it’s being used as part of a Weight-Management Program. Why..? Because even the most successful weight-management program requires some sort of HUMAN INTERACTION…
Read MoreHow to Identify The Gold Under Your Nose
Question: What do almost all health and fitness marketing gurus and consultants have in common? Answer: They almost always focus on how to get NEW CLIENTS and/or NEW MEMBERS! I could go through the list of names… the info products… mastermind meetings…. and you’d recognize the common thread… GET MORE CLIENTS! GET…
Read MoreTake No Prisoners…
A business consultant once told me this: “Business takes no prisoners!” I have never forgotten it. If your business is losing money, you will eventually “go out.” It’s that simple. Business is a black and white proposition. No gray area. Either you’re making money or you’re not. END OF STORY! …
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