Your Ultimate Web Suite
Congratulations Tim….!!!
Your done-for-you, branded, ULTIMATE WEB SUITE is complete! To view, please CLICK HERE...
You can scroll down this page or use the Table of Contents below for quick access.
First Glimpse
First Glimpse: O.K. so first things first. Upon your first look, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. If so, that’s normal. I hear it all the time. And, rightfully so. This is a HUGE digital platform with over $10,000 worth of moving parts, functions, integrations and another $30,000 worth of pre-produced content. It's BIG!
However, within a few days, you’ll begin to feel much more comfortable and familiar with your new Web Suite since it was designed in a very organized manner.
For your existing clients and prospects, your new suite will feel like an “adventure” full of useful, actionable content and resources.
To save time with the “learning curve” I’ve prepared this “Get to Know Your Ultimate Web Suite” instruction page with links to various videos (for details).
Within this sheet, you’ll learn about the navigation, gain useful tips and tricks and have access to full-on tutorials to help your business.
How to Connect to your Ultimate Web Suite
If you are connecting the ULTIMATE WEB SUITE to an existing website, please watch this VIDEO TUTORIAL:
This is the completed content for the ULTIMATE WEB SUITE branded with your logo.
If you have additional header images and other page images/videos, etc. we will be happy to upload upon receipt (no charge). Header images should be 1920 x 1280 px. Other images for body copy on the web pages can be any size, however, the bigger the better and should be high resolution images. YOU must have the ownership rights to any images you send to us. And, these days, you can take excellent shots with a smartphone!
Digital Welcome Kit Navigation

Top Navigation:
- Top Navigation: This top area is designed to be “clean” and uncluttered. It has, or can be, modified to make room for adding content (personal pages, schedule, calendar, other). As such, top navigation could include “ABOUT” as well as dropdown menu “RESOURCES” in order to consolidate other top-level categories: Forms, Handouts, Recipes and Shakes. As new content is added we will continually consolidate the top level navigation in order to maintain a clean, uncluttered design. Dropdowns will be prioritized by the most important destinations.
Onboard 101:
- Onboard 101 has been linked to your site via the top navigation. There is a return link back to your main site from Onboard 101. This allows clients/prospects to “toggle” back and forth from website to application. Nonetheless, it will be perceived as a single platform (brand cohesion).
eCommerce / Dropship:
- eCommerce Dropship has been linked to your site via the drop down menu under NUTRITION (on the top nav bar). There is a return link back to your main site from the eCommerce/Dropship website. This allows clients/prospects to “toggle” back and forth from website to website. Nonetheless, it will be perceived as a single platform among your visitors (brand cohesion).
Optional Header Button:
An additional button: “Complimentary Discovery Session” or other “OFFER” can be added to all Header Images. The button is currently not displayed until a decision is reached on how to best use it for optin capture per your requirements.
Forms: Assessment & Releases
- Here is a brief explainer video about FORMS:
- To test your branded forms, you might ask a staff member, friend or a few volunteers to complete them. Both you and the “tester” should receive an email with the completed form attached as a .pdf file. Please let me know if the function is not working properly.
- We do not customize existing forms. We can delete any form at your request. However, we recommend keeping all forms as they may serve future clients or future programs/services.
Additional customized forms can be created @$65 /hr. Forms should be submitted via MS Word or MS Excel (or Google docs) for review. Upon review an estimate for custom form creation will be submitted.

- All handouts are branded with YOUR LOGO. Each handout can be downloaded as a .pdf file. If any of the handouts are NOT a good fit for your business… just let me know and we’ll delete them.
- To test the forms, you might ask a staff member, friend or a few volunteers to complete them. Both you and the “tester” should receive an email with the completed form attached as a .pdf file. Please let me know if the function is not working properly.
- We do not customize existing forms. We can delete any form at your request. However, we recommend keeping all forms as they may serve future clients or future programs/services.
Additional customized forms can be created @$65 /hr. Forms should be submitted via MS Word or MS Excel (or Google docs) for review. Upon review an estimate for custom form creation will be submitted.
- All smoothie and protein shake recipes have been branded with YOUR LOGO. All smoothie and shake recipes can be downloaded as .pdf files.
- All recipes have been branded with your YOUR LOGO. Each recipe can be downloaded as a .pdf file. We just recently added 16 new recipes. There are a total of 111 recipes (note some sheets have multiple recipes).
- Here’s a great tutorial: “How to Convert Your .PDF files (Handouts, Recipes, Shakes) to .JPG files” -- for social media and other applications.
Here’s another great tutorial on how to use those .JPG files to:
Your Pre-Written Blog Posts
- We typically add a new post or other new content once every month. If you have something you’d like us to post, please just send as a MS Word document and attach any images. (please be sure the images are licensed for your use or your own).
- Blog images should be sized to 700 x 350 px. If your image is larger than that, we’ll be happy to crop to our size on your behalf. No charge for any of this.
Admin, Revisions and Customization
- The concept behind all of our platforms is to let us manage these things so that you can focus on your business. Nonetheless, I understand you may want ADMIN ACCESS to your website. You or a developer of your choice may have complete backend access.
- For security reasons, we do NOT allow FTP or CPanel access.
- You will be responsible for all updates and compatibility of plugins and/or integrations that you add to the site.
- If you inadvertently blow-up the site and we can NOT restore it, there is a $300 restore fee as it takes many hours to bring a site and all the databases back to life. (FYI, this has never happened as yet. We’ve always been able to restore).
- Please request access by email. If you have a web developer, please just send us his/her email and we’ll set it up.
- Before requesting revisions, please take the time to browse the entire site and perhaps write things down as you see them to make a LIST. That way, you can send us the LIST of things you may want to change such as button labels, links or some of your own licensed images, etc. It will always be better if you can send us a LIST instead of single edits (as they often get lost). We archive LISTS into your specific account folder.
We made some special custom tweaks for your site and/or navigation. We test all websites thoroughly before release. But, no matter what, there always seems to be something!
So, be sure to let me know if you find something NOT functioning correctly. Just add it to your LIST. Your DWK/Ultimate Web Suite is a unique new platform that will continue to grow with more “Client Engaging Content” over time.
Onboard 101 Introduction
The Onboard 101 “online course” is a comprehensive eLearning System built on a large enterprise platform allowing you to enroll an unlimited number of clients… from 5 to 5,000.
- TWO LEVELS: Onboard 101 operates on two levels: ADMIN (you) and CLIENT. Admin gives you backend access allowing you to monitor, add and remove clients. While everything is set up for you, I have published several video tutorials to help you navigate the system.
- LOGIN: please navigate to here: https://www.onboard101.com/primefittlife
And enter your credentials (top right nav bar or menu):
(email and last name)
User Email: _______________________
Password : _______________________
Onboard 101 Video Tutorials - Admin Functions
These short video tutorials demonstrate how to navigate the administration of your Onboard 101 online course:
This video provides a complete overview of the Onboard 101 Admin navigation for both desktop and mobile.
This video shows how to set-up automated emails, quiz points and other options to meet your specific requirements.
This video shows how to access your profile settings and make changes. Also reveals how to begin the set-up to make Onboard 101 a 100% automated online course.
This video tutorial demonstrates both the external automated email and internal messaging systems between clients and admin.
This video tutorial is just a little bit technical. But, if you're familiar with PayPal it will be easy (we recommend PayPal for automated payments). Also, if after reviewing this video you feel you require assistance in setting this up, we will do it for you. However we will need you "login" credentials for access. You can change them we complete your set-up.
Onboard 101 Video Tutorials - Marketing
We now have several years of data on how to market and sell Onboard 10. As such, I’ve produced several short videos on what we know to be TRUE. The first thing to know is that there are several different ways to promote, market and sell this unique “online course.”
How to Get Clients and Prospects
For the most part, we've already connected your Onboard 101 online course to your Digital Welcome Kit website as part of the Ultimate Web Suite Package.
Top 3 Questions
Here are the answers to the top 3 questions asked most frequently. Very important shot video.
How Much Should I Charge?
This is another important question. I answer it in this short video.
The Free Model
What's important is knowing how to leverage the FREE MODEL into a revenue generator!
The Paid Model
It all depends on how much CREATIVITY you want to put into it!
The Mandatory Model
Super interesting model that works 100% of the time. See why...
EMBEDDED MARKETING VIDEOS: Your Onboard 101 online course has its own LANDING PAGE. On this landing page is a professionally produced embedded video designed to encourage enrollment into your online course. You can view this video here: CLICK or TAP HERE…
There are also two (2) additional embedded videos to encourage enrollment into your Onboard 101 online course. They are located on your Onboard 101 “About Page” and on your “Learn More Page”:
- ABOUT: You can view this video here: CLICK or TAP HERE…
- LEARN MORE: You can view this video here: CLICK or TAP HERE…
eCommerce / Dropship Overview
Your eCommerce / Dropship website is 100% automated. This means it generates “recurring passive income.” Recurring because most people REORDER their supplement almost every 30 days. Passive because it requires no LABOR from you to conduct the transaction or fulfill the order. You don’t even need to carry any inventory whatsoever.
Your only job is to drive traffic to your eCommerce / Dropship website so they can purchase your branded line of super premium formulations.
eCommerce / Dropship Navigation and Admin
- Connection: If you are connecting the eCommerce / Dropship website to an existing website, please watch the VIDEO TUTORIAL at the top of this page or: CLICK or TAP HERE…
- Navigation: I strongly recommend you add a TAB on your top navigation that redirects to your eCommerce / Dropship website. You could label it Nutrition or Supplements or whatever you think will appeal to your particular audience.
- Make it Easy: Easy access to your eCommerce / Dropship website will definitely affect sales.
- Spec Sheets: You’ll note each product has its own product spec sheet download. Each sheet is branded with your logo. Each sheet explains the product, displays the Nutrition Facts and ingredients along with recommended dosages.
- Commissions: You will earn 30% of gross sales. Commissions are paid out once a $50 dollar threshold amount is reached. If the threshold amount is not reached during any given month, the amount will be rolled over to the next month(s) until the $50 payout amount is reached.
BONUS: $25K Marketing Package
As part of the Ultimate Web Suite Package, I include several bonus packages to help boost your business with branded promotional materials.
- TRANSFER: All of the bonus materials will be sent to you via email through a service called “WE TRANSFER.com” I use this service because some of the files are quite large. Once you receive the email, please CLICK on the LINK and download to your desktop. Once downloaded, a .ZIP file will appear on your desktop. Double-click on the .ZIP file and a FOLDER will pop out. Inside the folder will be your branded materials. NOTE: You must download these materials within 7 Days upon receipt or the link will expire.
- MINI-POSTERS (12): These letter-sized, mini-posters are branded with your logo. They can easily be downloaded, printed and used as handouts, social media posts, blog posts, website downloads, etc. They were designed to “engage” clients with your brand by asking them simple questions. And, the answers can all be found in the Onboard 101 online course.
- SOCIAL MEDIA TEASERS (12): These are 12 pre-designed social media “teaser banners” that can be uploaded on to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media. Again, the idea is to promote your online profit generator, “Onboard 101” as a first step in understanding the rationale behind healthy living. These banners are not branded.
- CALL-TO-ACTION VIDEOS (12): Incredibly popular and fun. All twelve (12) of these little :30-second videos are branded with YOUR LOGO at the beginning and end with your website address added during the fade out. Once again, the strategy is to drive traffic to your Onboard 101 online course. These videos are in .mp4 file format and can be uploaded to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media platforms. You can also upload to your main website or even send as an individual email as an attachment!
- DIRECT MAIL / EMAIL TEMPLATES: These are numerous TEMPLATES that can be used for direct mail, email and even reformatted for blog posts. Each document is delivered in two versions of MS Word to accommodate even the oldest of computers or software. All documents are highlighted to show where your personal input is required. You’ll find these documents to be a valuable marketing component.
- MEDIA RELEASES: Some people think the media doesn’t exist any more. They are dead wrong. Newspapers, television and radio are still strong and can drive traffic to your business. You’ll find several media releases formatted specifically for how they like to receive information… so pay particular attention to the formatting and try not to change it. All documents are highlighted to show where input about you and your business is required.