Promote Your Own Branded Supplements
You're a "total professional" when you showcase your brands...
Yes..! You get two (2) of these 36" x 24" (movie size) branded posters with YOUR LOGO - featuring YOUR SUPPLEMENT LINE for FREE with the purchase of $1,000 or more of your branded supplements.
Or, you can purchase for $79.99 each -- which includes photography of your products, photoshop enhancements, logo set-up on products and poster, production layout and printing. If you had this created on your own, it would cost well over $300 to produce. ** No product image substitutions.
Think how AWESOME your own 24 x 36" posters will look on your walls!
Create an incredible "first impression" among potential clients and members!

What the posters say...
Here’s the Difference
De-conditioned, inactive people interested only in growing hair, skin and nails probably meet their “low metabolism” needs through foods, alone.
Higher Metabolisms Require Quality
However, research has proven that physically active people have much higher metabolic requirements. The amount and quality of your caloric intake, in conjunction with vitamin supplementation, is of utmost importance.
Exercise & Fuel
An exercise program increases physical stress on your body. And, when you increase physical stress on your body, fueling it (through proper nutrition) becomes a major consideration.
High Octane Fuel
Supplements accomplish two things. They help in the digestion and utilization of foods, thus creating “higher octane fuel” for your body.
Efficient & Effective
Second, they ensure that all nutritional gaps are filled allowing your body to efficiently and effectively burn fat, build lean muscle tissue and fully adapt to increased physical stress.
All About You...
These are super-premium, all natural formulations. Only the highest quality ingredients are used under strict FDA and FTC compliance as well as proprietary manufacturing protocol and processes. The entire product line serves one purpose... YOU!
What the posters say about YOU...
These posters do way more than promote your supplement line. Here's what I mean.
When a potential new member or client views your facility for the first time... they immediately pick-up on whether or not you're dedicated and committed to your profession. Or, if you're a "get rich quick" kind of person who's interested only in the money with the least amount of work. Think about this. You do it yourself, right?
How about the first time you visit an auto mechanic? An accountant? A contractor?
Aren't you swayed by your first impression?
Walking into a club, studio, spa or any kind of facility with branded products speaks volumes about your business, your professionalism and what can be expected of your services (Value Proposition).