...for Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition and Overall Health Education!
A companion component to the REFERNCE MANUAL.
The Quiz Kit
Fun Quizzes to Validate & Empower
We call them FUN QUIZZES because, well... they ARE fun! - Once your students read and comprehend the material the multiple choices are obvious. Some are really funny. It's all designed to keep your students "engaged."
PLUS... beyond educating clients and members, over the last 30 years over 2,000 clubs, studios and other health facilities have used REFERENCE MANUALS, and/or ONBOARD 101 to assess, evaluate and train their own health and fitness staff.
As one multi-club operator recently told me:
"We had no idea that our training staff didn't know a lot of this information. ONBOARD 101 is now part of our mandatory New Hire Training."
This is your chance to empower your clients, members, students, employees, staff and patients!
The Fun Quizzes coincide with the REFERENCE MANUAL chapters including:
Basic Physiology
Aerobic Activity
Anaerobic Activity
Weight Training
Sample download Chapter #1 of the Reference Manual as well as the actual Quiz #1 and Quiz #1 Answers.
See the complete COURSE OUTLINE for FREE: just CLICK or TAP HERE...
Sample download Chapter #1 of the Reference Manual as well as the actual Quiz #1 and Quiz #1 Answers.