Over 1,000,000 Journals purchased by certified health professionals to help their clients achieve RESULTS!

Available in 8-Week and 12-Week Versions
8-Week Retail $29.99 | Your Price: $15.99
12-Week Retail $34.99 | Your Price: $17.99
Includes YOUR LOGO and CONTACT information.
FREE set-up & layout. Proof before print.
Private-label: 10-unit minimum
Qty. Discounts Available - Download Pricelist
Repeated Tracking Pages
Available in 8-Week and 12-Week Versions
8-Week Retail $24.99 | Your Price: $15.99
12-Week Retail $29.99 | Your Price: $17.99
Includes YOUR LOGO and CONTACT information.
FREE set-up & layout. Proof before print.
Private-label: 10-unit minimum
Qty. Discounts Available - Download Pricelist
PLUS.... it's an instant profit generator for...
- Value-Added Memberships
- Personal Training / Weight Management Packages
- Fitness Contests and Promotions
- Pro Shop Sales
The 8-Week and 12-Week Daily Journal allows a user to track his or her nutrition intake and exercise program in the same journal.
It also provides educational information with charts, graphs and food exchanges.
Think Hand-Written Journals are "Old School?"
Wait til you read this. Download this quick report, "The Flip-Side of Fitness Apps" to find out what the research is telling us about Fitness Apps.
You might be surprised...
8-Week Daily Journal w/logo: $12.99 | 12-Week Daily Journal w/logo:: $15.99
How Will You Use Your Daily Journals?
Here are eight different ways fitness professionals and clubs use the daily journals to their advantage...
Personal Training
As the Fitness Industry’s #1 tracking log the Daily Journal is used by thousands of certified and licensed health professionals to help clients and members successfully reach their fitness and lifestyle goals.
Beyond the pages of information and motivation, the Daily Journal helps motivate exercise and nutritional adherence.
The bottom line is “results.” And, ultimately, clients and members who achieve results are walking, talking billboards who project an image and spread positive word-of-mouth about your club or business and your expertise.
Value-Added Membership
A branded Daily Journal is a wonderful way to say “Thank You” to a new member.
While competitors provide nothing more than a contract, your new members are handed a viable, tangible gift that demonstrates a sincere interest in helping him or her achieve their purpose in joining.
It’s often the very first thing they show their friends and family.
Sales Presentation
First impressions are formed almost immediately - based on visual cues.
Just imagine the impression you create when you show a prospective member a branded Daily Journal as well a Reference Manual and Cook Book.
This simple action speaks volumes about your professionalism, integrity and sincerity during a sales presentation.
Presentations (corporate and other)
You certainly can’t take your equipment with you to make that important “corporate membership” presentation.
But, you can take a set of branded Daily Journals, Reference Manuals and Cookbooks. Among human resource directors and other corporate executives, these materials send a clear message: professional, committed and knowledge-based.
Consider leaving a set of branded materials behind for their review.
Ask the real experts about weight-management and they’ll tell you it’s the 3 P’s. Proper Nutrition, Productive Exercise and Positive Motivation.
With the Daily Journal, each member can efficiently track his or her nutrition and exercise protocols.
This leaves you with just the right amount of time to provide the motivation!
Fitness Contests
There’s nothing more effective at managing and/or participating in a fitness contest than the Daily Journal. It is the “Total” incentive tool. It helps participants stay on track and gauge their progress.
It’s also the best way for contest managers to keep track of participant measurements, make adjustments in exercise and monitor caloric intake. It may even help to determine winners!
Pro Shop Sales
The Daily Journal, Reference Manual and Cook Book are “hot-sellers” in fitness pro shops throughout the country. And, with your brand on the covers, all three are exclusive to your facility.
Clubs with a café or juice bar often serve several of the recipes. Now that’s smart marketing!
Out-of-Club Marketing/Referral Tool
On April 8th, 2014, Janice Keaton, a Los Angeles elementary school teacher, showed her Daily Journal to 30 of her peers during lunch break in the school cafeteria.
She showed them the charts and information as well as her own entries. She explained the difference between body-composition and pounds on-the-scale. Between the 11th and the 15th of that same month, 27 of those teachers joined the same club as Janice.
This is just one of hundreds of examples where the Daily Journal served as a “silent” marketing partner for a club.
Available in 8-Week and 12-Week Versions
8-Week Retail $24.99 | Your Price: $15.99
12-Week Retail $29.99 | Your Price: $17.99
Includes YOUR LOGO and CONTACT information.
FREE set-up & layout. Proof before print.
Private-label: 10-unit minimum
Qty. Discounts Available - Download Pricelist