This entire page is available as a .pdf downloadable file you can use as an offline reference document to create your own course outline.
12-Week Course Outline
IMPORTANT NOTE: This course outline is designed to be used in combination with the REFERENCE MANUAL and/or ONBOARD 101. It also makes use of the DAILY JOURNAL.
As an educational course it is often taught in a classroom setting. It does NOT require any form of physical activity whatsoever. The information in this course can be taught and presented anywhere, including:
Fitness Studios
Health Clubs
Schools (PTA Groups)
Condos, Apts, HOAs
Church Groups
Corporate Wellness
Police, Fire, City
Hospitals, Medical Groups
How Much Should You Charge..?
In the academic environment, a 12-week course like this, presented at the college level, would normally charge a student between $1,200 and $1,600. Yet, oddly enough, you'll NOT find any academic courses with this combined information (nutrition/exercise) at most academic institutions -- anywhere! (we've looked.)
Outside Service Providers:
Most Health & Fitness professionals charge between $399 and $799 per person for this 12-Week Course. Here's a very successful example.
Using the online version, Onboard 101, here's another very successful example.
In-House Wellness Programs:
Most in-house wellness programs absorb all expenses associated with credible health related materials and services.
Most classes or "sessions" run approximately 90-minutes

Course Outline
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a course OUTLINE. You can, and should, embellish, enhance and revise it to YOUR OWN PRESENTATION STYLE and ultimately make it YOUR OWN!
Week #1: Welcome!
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
This initial class is primarily a "get acquainted" session whereby you introduce yourself, the course and allow classmates to get acquainted with each other.
Listed below are some ideas to help your session go smoothly:

Introduce Yourself....
This is a great opportunity for your "students" to learn about you and your journey. It can be as personal or professional as you like. It all depends on your style. But it's important for YOU to take the first step in the introductions.
Name Tags....
Consider name tags for the first session as an "ice breaker" and a way for everyone to get to know each other. Be sure to wear one, yourself!
Course Overview
Be sure to provide a course overview including the Chapter Topics and maybe a 1:00 minute summary of each.
If you plan to use the QUIZ KIT, you should let your students know that there will be 10-question multiple-choice quizzes at each session. Whether they are self-graded or handed in is totally up to you. (FYI: quiz scores are great for contests).
Buddy System
Depending on your class size and students' familiarity with each other, creating a "buddy system" is super beneficial for motivation and accountability among classmates.
Materials Distribution
This is the session to distribute whatever tangible materials your students will use for the course. A few things might include:
- Logging Journals
- Reference Manuals (or Onboard 101) or Both
- Anatomical Charts (also inside of all Daily Journals)
Q&A Session
Your "students" are bound to have questions regarding your course. Be sure to leave at least 10 to 15-minutes to accommodate their queries.
Assignments for Week #2
- Reference Manual: Chapter One - Basic Physiology
- Reference Manual: Chapter Two - Digestion
- Or view both chapters on Onboard 101
Sample download Chapter #1 of the Reference Manual as well as the actual Quiz #1 and Quiz #1 Answers.
For more information about the Quiz Kit, just CLICK or TAP HERE...

Week #2: Physiology & Digestion
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
Week #2 should be a "review" session with primary focus on Chapters #1 and #2.
If using Onboard 101 you could project the videos from both chapters to refresh memories and start the conversation.

Review Chapter 1 - Basic Physiology
- Review the key points of Chapter 1 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #1. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #1 with autoscore.
- Review the key points of Chapter 1 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Review Chapter 2 - Digestion
- Review the key points of Chapter 2 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #2. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #2 with autoscore.
Other Potential Topics
- Debunking commercial weight-loss programs
- Debunking magic pills
- How commercial programs affect immune system, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, etc.
- Q&A session
Assignments for Week #3
- Read Chapter #3 - Carbohydrates
- Or, view Chapter #3 on Onboard-101

Week #3: Carbohydrates
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
Hopefully your students completed their assignment to read Chapter 3 in the Reference Manual or view the videos at Onboard 101.
It will be a good idea to review the material in order to refresh their memories.

Review Chapter 3 - Carbohydrates
- Review the key points of Chapter 3 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #3. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #3 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 3 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Fun Stuff
If using the Daily Journal, consider a fun contest to determine who has the best handwriting. Reward might include a gift card, car wash or some other low cost, high value prize.
Sabotage - Discussion
This is a great discussion designed to identify who might disrupt a student's progress. Discussion points might include:
- Who is sabotaging the student's efforts? (Spouse, Kids, Co-workers, Friends)
- How are they sabotaging their efforts?
- What are you doing about it?
- Should we invite the saboteurs to the next session?
Assignments for Week #4
- Read Chapter #4 - Protein
- Or, view Chapter #4 on Onboard-101

Week #4: Protein
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
This is one of the most popular chapters since most people have a little bit of knowledge about protein. In fact, many of them already have some experience with protein powders.
But, most don't really know very much about the role of amino acids nor have they ever heard of terms like "complete" and "incomplete" proteins.

Review Chapter 4 - Protein
- Review the key points of Chapter 4 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #4. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #4 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 4 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Tracking Review
If using the Daily Journal or any tracking device, the fourth week is always a great time to review what's being tracked and to determine the level of progress.
Caloric Intake Adjustments
If the course is part of a fitness program (weight-management or other) this is usually a good week to adjust caloric intake since the metabolism is likely to be increasing. If not this week, the 6th and/or 8th week is another option.
Weigh-In | Body Comp Measurements
If the course is part of a fitness program (weight-management or other) you might use a good part of this session with both a weigh-in as well as a body comp evaluation. Quite often a person's weight may increase due to muscle gain while their body-fat has decreased. Good time to explain why the scale is so misleading!
Assignments for Week #5
- Read Chapter #5 - Fat
- Or, view Chapter #5 on Onboard-101
- Extra Credit - Recipe Contest: Best Recipe with under 20% fat per serving. Samples welcome!

Week #5: Fat
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
So much misinformation about fat. That's what makes this chapter such an "eye-opener" for your students.
"Who knew fat could be good for you?"
That's the typical reaction when students learn about the different types of fats and how the good ones can be such a wonderful, and plentiful, source of energy!

Review Chapter 5 - Fat
- Review the key points of Chapter 5 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #5. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #5 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 5 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Tracking Review
If using the Daily Journal or any tracking device, this is a good week to see if everything is being kept up-to-date or if tracking is falling off. Also, if using a buddy system, are they both at the same point or is one doing a better job of tracking than the other?
By now, after 5-weeks there should be some lifestyle behavior changes that have become habits. These might include various new behaviors like grocery shopping along the outside isles and purchasing fresh foods. Or, perhaps getting more sleep for recovery. Or, prepping for morning by laying out the workout apparel the night before. Open discussion among all students... who's doing what. And what are the results?
Best Recipe Award
Group Vote. Who presented the best recipe? Award could include a free personal training session, a gift card, car wash, movie tickets or any low-cost high value reward. This should mostly be about recognition and validation for participation and contribution.
Assignments for Week #6
- Read Chapter #6 - Aerobic Activity
- Or, view Chapter #6 on Onboard-101

Week #6: Aerobic Activity
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
Another popular chapter. After all, from Dr. Kenneth Cooper and Jane Fonda to today's modern protocol, it seems everyone has "heard" of aerobics.
"But, what exactly IS aerobic activity?"
This is such a great session to demonstrate your experience and knowledge!
n TIP: Discuss which exercises are aerobic vs. anaerobic -- and why.

Review Chapter 6 - Aerobic Activity
- Review the key points of Chapter 6 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #6. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #6 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 6 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Weigh-In | Body Comp Measurements
If the course is part of a fitness program (weight-management or other) you might use a good part of this session with both a weigh-in as well as a body comp evaluation.
Good time to discuss "pounds-on-the-scale" vs. "body composition" and or BMI (body mass index) vs. "body composition."
Observations Points
If your course is part of a fitness program, then, by now your student should be observing some physical changes occurring to their bodies. Here are some prompts to discuss:
n Hair
n Skin
n Nails
n Energy levels
n Sleep
n Focus
n Body Awareness
What's Your Biggest Obstacle?
Round table discussion among the group. Each student explains his or her biggest obstacle(s). Group to offer recommendations.
Assignments for Week #7
- Read Chapter #7 - Anaerobic Activity
- Or, view Chapter #7 on Onboard-101

Week #7: Anaerobic Activity
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
Now that your students understand that aerobic activity means "with oxygen" it won't be much of a leap to figure out that anaerobic activity means "without oxygen."
But, as you know, that's just part of the story!
If students have read or watched Chapter 7, they should be ready for a great discussion.

Review Chapter 7 - Aerobic Activity
- Review the key points of Chapter 7 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #7. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #7 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 7 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Make a List
This can be a fun group activity creating a list of as many anaerobic activities and/or exercises that you can think of. The group may find that some activities they though were aerobic are actually anaerobic. How about basketball? Aerobic or Anaerobic..?
Best Buddy Award
In almost every group setting there's typically one person who stands out for their active participation, support and outgoing personality. This a fun way for your group to recognize and validate that person with a "Best Buddy Award."
The award can be a coffee mug, gift card, car wash, movie tickets or anything of low cost and high value. The important part is the validation and recognition by the group.
Assignments for Week #8
- Read Chapter #8 - Anaerobic Activity
- Or, view Chapter #8 on Onboard-101

Week #8: Vitamins
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
This chapter is primarily about vitamins that occur naturally within our foods and in nature and their actual functions within our bodies.
Most people think they know about vitamins but the truth is so much of it is "folklore" such as Vitamin C curing the common cold! This is a bit technical but easy to understand.

Review Chapter 8 - Vitamins
- Review the key points of Chapter 8 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #8. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #8 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 8 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Weigh-In | Body Comp Eval
If the course is part of a fitness or weight-management program this is a good week to conduct a weigh-in as well as a body-comp evaluation.
Caloric Intake Adjustments
If your course is part of a fitness or weight-management program - based on the results of the "Weigh-In | Body-Comp Eval, this is a good week to adjust caloric intake since the metabolism is likely to be increasing. At this point both body weight (lbs) and body-fat numbers (%) should have decreased - while lean mass should be on the increase (%).
Assignments for Week #10
- Read Chapter #10 - Minerals
- Or, view Chapter #10 on Onboard-101

Week #9: Minerals
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
Just like the previous chapter on vitamins, the same holds true for minerals. Most people have only a vague idea of what they are and how they function within our bodies.
This, too, is a great session to demonstrate your nutritional expertise and experience.

Review Chapter 9 - Vitamins
- Review the key points of Chapter 9 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #9. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #9 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 9 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Tracking Review
It's been 5 weeks since the last review of your students' tracking. So, if you're using the Daily Journal or any tracking device, this is a good week to review if the tracking has been consistent - and if progress is being achieved.
Assignments for Week #10
- Read Chapter #10 - Weight Training
- Or, view Chapter #10 on Onboard-101

Week #10: Weight Training
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
This is another one of the most popular sessions. It's also one of the most fun -- especially if you are a fitness trainer or coach.
There are many myths and misinformation surrounding weight training such as:
n "Weight training makes you bulky and less flexible."
n "Weight training is bad for your joints."
n "Women should never engage in weight training."
So, this is a great session to dispel the misconceptions and set the record straight.

Review Chapter 10 - Weight Training
- Review the key points of Chapter 10 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #10. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #10 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 10 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Be sure to discuss weight training and its effect on metabolism as it relates to weight-management.
Assignments for Week #11
- Read Chapter #11 - Stress
- Or, view Chapter #11 on Onboard-101

Week #11: Stress
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
One of the most important sessions in the course is STRESS. Not only does stress us emotionally, but it has a huge effect on our overall health and especially detrimental any kind of weight-management program.
This chapter addresses those issues, but also demonstrates how "physical stress" can be so beneficial to relieving daily stress.

Review Chapter 11 - Stress
- Review the key points of Chapter 11 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #11. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #11 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 11 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Stress Checklist
10 Ways to De-Stress
Add your logo to this handout! Grab this FREE DOWNLOAD...
Topics to Discuss
n Biggest Daily Stress (round robin with group)
n Fight or Flight - discussion
n How Stress can Affect Weight-Management
Assignments for Week #12
- Read Chapter #12 - Food
- Or, view Chapter #12 on Onboard-101

Week #12: Food
Note this session could be 2-hours or more depending on your group -- and whether or not you plan to hold a Graduation Ceremony. Totally up to you.
Video comes branded with YOUR LOGO as part of the Onboard 101 package.
There is no greater intimate relationship with our bodies than the one we have with FOOD!
Just think about it. We literally put things into our mouths, chew, swallow and ultimately break foods down until they become part of our cellular structure.
Now, THAT'S intimate!
And, it's also WHY your students should understand the long-term importance what they are allowing into their bodies.

Review Chapter 12 - Food
- Review the key points of Chapter 12 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
- Distribute Fun Quiz #12. Or, if using Onboard 101 students should login and take Quiz #12 with auto-score.
- Review the key points of Chapter 12 using the Reference Manual or play the videos embedded in Onboard 101.
Chemical Contest
Each student to make a list of chemicals found in today's food supply. Longest list wins! You might also consider a second winner for the person who can correctly pronounce all the chemicals...! Here's a list you might find useful: CLICK or TAP HERE....
See below...

Graduation Ceremony

Let's discuss this last session. You can hold a graduation ceremony during the last classroom setting at your regular meeting place - or, at a different location, and/or on a different date.
Some ceremonies have been held at restaurants and other venues in order to accommodate a larger audience of families, friends and co-workers.
NOTE: Remember some simple things like name tags, email capture sign-in sheets and refreshments for your guests.
FYI: Many of these family members, friends and co-workers will become your future students. Consider the graduation ceremony an incredible referral base of "hot leads."

Your Students...
Your students who've made it this far and completed the course are amazing! They are now equally as knowledgeable, and in some cases even more so, than thousands of "so-called" fitness professionals throughout the world!
Recognition & Validation
But, more important than the knowledge they've gained should be the recognition and validation they receive from you -- as well as from their families and friends. And, if it's a corporate wellness program, their co-workers.
This is why you should put 100% effort into making their "Graduation Ceremony" a BIG DEAL!
Awards Ideas...
Most Body-Fat Lost
Most Inches Lost
Most Lean Mass Gained
Mr./Ms. Congeniality
Intensity Workouts (Journal)
Most Workouts (Journal)
Best Tracking (Journal)
Best Buddy
Make it FUN..!
There is no exact format for successful weight-management programming. The best course is the one you develop for your own specific clientele or audience. You will, no doubt, modify and adjust this curriculum to meet your own requirements.

Everything You Need For Your Course

This entire "Course Guide" (without videos) is available as a .pdf download for just $9.99