Send Logo


IT’S FREE..! No set-up charge, no credit card and no obligation.

That’s right!  Just send me your logo and I’ll send to you a complete 3D rendering (just like the Journal and Whey Protein above) in order to give you an idea of how your branded line of state-of-the-art fitness fitness components will look with YOUR LOGO.

To send us YOUR LOGO, just complete the form.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, ai, eps, Max. file size: 512 MB.

NOTE: We do NOT ship PHYSICAL PRODUCTS internationally as shipping costs are prohibitive. For U.S. Domestic Purchase ONLY.

DIGITAL PRODUCTS including videos, software and web-based applications are available to all INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS.




  • Do YOU want to generate new profits?
  • Do YOU seriously want to increase margins, grow your business and add value to your BRAND?  
  • Do YOU want to differentiate yourself from all competitors..?
  • Are YOU ready to play “big league ball” as a world-class marketer..?

Then, get up from whatever you’re doing, right now…  and GO TO YOUR NEAREST APPLE STORE!


apple_logoBecause it’s the absolute best way for you to witness… and see for yourself… a World-Class Business ECOSYSTEM.

Once inside take a look around.  Do you see any products from Samsung?  Any Sony?  Any Microsoft..?  NOPE!

appleecoAll you see is APPLE… APPLE… APPLE everywhere!

And, for good reason.  APPLE has EVERYTHING YOU NEED.   It’s a complete ECOSYSTEM

The result is that most people who purchase an Apple product like an iPhone will most likely purchase an Apple iPad or MacBook and will probably purchase things from iTunes and from the online Apple Store.  Once inside the ECOSYSTEM, it’s only a matter of time before you purchase Apple TV.

Do you see how effective this is?  Once you’re into the APPLE ECOSYSTEM… you have NO REASON to go anywhere else.  They’ve got EVERYTHING you need!  They’ve made it SIMPLE for YOU!

Another example: 

Visit a Porsche dealership and look around.   Apple_Porsche

What you’ll see is lots of branded merchandise with their LOGO

Everything from Porsche key chains and sun glasses to official Porsche “driving shoes.”   

But the truth is, a brand goes much deeper than just “looking professional.”

It’s a true display of COMMITMENT

What Most Clubs and Studios Do…

Compare the APPLE ECOSYSTEM and the PORSCHE DEALERSHIP to your own physical location

  • Do you have your own BRANDED line of products? 
  • Do you have EVERYTHING your clients need and want? 
  • Have you made it SIMPLE for THEM?

The Costco / Walmart Model

Most clubs and studios look more like a grocery store.  All kinds of different brands in the pro shop.  From Nike and Under Armor apparel to dozens of brands of supplements. 

Does this feel PROFESSIONAL? Does this feel like a SIGNATURE SERVICE?  Nope!

Walmart_SmallGo to a Walmart.  Does it evoke the same feeling you experience at the Apple Store or Porsche dealership?   Nope. 

Walmart, Costco and Target all represent cheap prices on commodity productsAnd, in the fitness business, that space is already filled by Planet Fitness, 24-Hour Fitness and other low cost players.

How Prospects and Clients Perceive You…

How you leverage your BRAND will absolutely determine how people will perceive you, as a health professional or facility.

If you believe, as I do, that CLIENT RETENTION is the “KEY” to a successful fitness business (or any service-based business), then, you understand why we go to such great lengths to help you build your own BRANDED FITNESS ECOSYSTEM.

A BRANDED FITNESS ECOSYSTEM looks and feels more credible” and “professional” in the eyes of your prospects.  Period.

And, as a result, it attracts more high net-worth clients willing to pay a premium for your products and services Simple as that.

Just think about this one fact:

More than 87% of all health professionals, studios and clubs actually SEND THEIR CLIENTS AWAY to a retailer for nutritional supplements.  That’s just giving money away.

With your own BRANDED FITNESS ECOSYSTEM you can offer your clients or members your own line of products.




Perception is Reality

Even with all your education, certifications and experience…. if you want to be a premium brand commanding premium prices generating above average revenues for your business…. then, you need to LOOK THE PART…. and it all starts when you COMMIT to your BRAND!

Start with Your Logo

Special thanks to Michael Romig, owner of PG Fit, for allowing us to present his BRAND for this journey.

The first thing a new prospect will notice is your LOGO.  This is the first IMPRINT of your business on his or her brain.

Most people don’t realize how much they use logos as a way to “register” and compartmentalize all the information in their brains.  But they do.  And, in today’s noisy world full of logos, the more simple the logo, the more quickly it registers.

Have you noticed how Nike just uses the “swoop” image.  Target just uses the “target” graphic.  Even Gatorade has revised it’s brand to just the big “G” for its brand ID (logo).


The PG Fit logo is big, clean and simple.  So it registers quickly.  It also displays quite well on almost anything.  The horizontal design lends itself to easily wrap on supplement bottles and other container products such as water bottles, coffee mugs, etc.

Most people will sub-consciously take note of the professional design and relate it toward the “professionalism” of the business.



Your Branded “Success Tools”

Your Branded Transformation Journal  –  Talk about creating a “first impression!”  Imagine what potential clients must think when you show them your own, proprietary branded fitness “Transformation Journal” (instead of a free app download) to help them achieve their goals. 

Honestly, they will be more than impressed!

(Your competitors have nothing but workout cards or downloaded .pdf documents in a folder or free apps. These alternatives are cheap and unprofessional!)

Despite the onslaught of personal trainer mobile apps, the “Transformation Journal” is still the most widely used and highly respected tracking log in the fitness industry.   Here’s why…

And, once branded with  YOUR LOGO, it speaks volumes about the physiological integrity of the YOU, your business and the entire environment

IMPORTANT:  All BRANDED print materials multi-task as “marketing agents” in that they leave the facility with the client/member and penetrate the local community – with your brand.

Most facilities charge between $25.00 and $32.00 for the Daily Journal in the pro shop — or add it to a personal training package or membership bundle at full retail.


 Branded Sports Nutrition


Special thanks to Steve Nunno, owner of Basic Three for allowing us to present his professional BRAND.

SUP_SAMPLE_CLICKJust for a moment, put yourself in the place of a potential client or member who walks into  your facility for the very first time… and sees that you have your own brand of nutritional supplements.

It’s HUGE!  It speaks volumes of your professionalism.  And, in the case of a trainer named J.J. Johnson, a walk-in client once said to him, “Oh, you must be somebody famous I’ve never heard of!”

Just these 2 Branded Components alone:

…will differentiate and elevate you above more than 90% of the independent trainers, fitness studios and health clubs in the U.S.

And, you’ll generate new profits with the 80100% mark-up on your own protected supplement line.

Compare this to the thousands of health professionals and facilities who continue to outsource their training to 3rd-party fitness apps/tech and attempt to generate revenue via 20% commissions with a MLM supplement program

This is INCONVENIENT for your clients and shows a lack of commitment from YOU.

Again, it’s the difference between a highly personal, hands-on “boutique” and Walmart. 


Branded Video

For Social Media, Your Website, Blog and Email…

Videos convert to sales. Period.  That’s right.  Statistically, 72% are more likely to purchase your product or service after watching a video as opposed to reading a brochure or web page.

Here’s something else.  Video increases your website rankings  — especially on Google (since they own YouTube).  And, by a lot!  That’s why so many companies are turning to video to both increase conversions and better their rankings.  But don’t take my word for it.  Just Google something like: “Does Video Increase My Website Ranking?”

Beyond the metrics and rankings, professionally produced videos project the brand like nothing else.  With music, professional narration and solid content, viewers will immediately see, hear and feel the difference between the competition and you.



And, then, there’s the amazing power and reach of SOCIAL MEDIA.

In just the past year, Facebook seems to have given VIDEO its highest priority.  This has created an incredible, low-cost opportunity for “boosted video posts.”

To take advantage of this new marketing media, we created the CALL-TO-ACTION Video 12-Pack. 

This package projects “professionalism” and “integrity” and “knowledge” across all social media platforms.

How Social Media Video Helps Your Business

  • This new emphasis on video forced the world’s top Facebook and Social Media managers to re-think their online marketing strategies.  And, it didn’t take long for them to figure it out.
  • They quickly discovered how well video works to immediately ENGAGE Facebook viewers.  And, with short, professionally produced “Content Videos” they could hold a viewer’s attention for up to 90 seconds (avg.). 
  • Now, within just the last few months, the top brands are creating short “Teaser Videos” with just enough information to motivate the viewer to respond to the “Call-to-Action” at the end of the video.

Click on the Video to Play…

These :30 second “teaser videos” are “state-of-the-art” for Facebook marketing.  

  Branded “Online Course”
Transformation, Weight-Management & Lifestyle

Beyond your physical location… what if there was a way for you to offer your Branded Services to clients all over the world? 

Here’s the ONE THING that all successful health and fitness professionals know – for certain. 

They MUST take their businesses “online.”

It is NOT an option.  Today’s top professionals know that “online learning” and/or “online coaching” is not only one of the top categories on the internet, but also one of the most lucrative. 

Interestingly, it just so happens that weight-management and lifestyle is one of the most sought-after online courses. 

This is IMPORTANT:   Insurance companies, hospitals, municipalities, corporations, medical practices and yes, even health clubs, studios and independent health/fitness professionals are all going to be working together in one way or another. 

And, the education of end-users… whether it be to stop smoking, lose weight, prevent diabetes, — EDUCATION will play a key role in helping consumers to understand some basic physiology and how their bodies actually function. 

The WMU-101 website solution is more than a 12-week Weight-Management curriculum.  It’s a fun, easy-to-understand explanation of how the entire body functions – especially as it relates to eating and activity. 

Branded Technology
Nutrition & Exercise Interactive Website

Just imagine sitting down with a prospective new client or member and demonstrating:

  • How you have your own own branded nutrition & exercise web-based solution that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  • How your “System,” unlike most others, is based on a foundation real physiological science with metrics based upon body-composition – NOT pounds-on-the-scale. 
  • How your web-based solution is actually an online “Learning System” that will clearly demonstrate to him or her how to make the appropriate food choices on their own.

It’s called the MAP System (Menu & Activity Planner).  It’s primary focus is to empower clients through knowledge and accountability. The MAP SYSTEM is considered one of the most advanced, interactive “learning” systems in the world.

And, remember to give your prospective new client or member the BRANDED Tri-Fold brochure that comes with your MAP System.

 Branded Posters, Handouts & Collateral


This is cohesive branding that ties all these elements together to create an indelible impression of your business in  your prospects mind.  It is a level of sophistication to which most are not accustomed to seeing in most fitness facilities.

These glossy-film posters are perfect for clubs, personal training departments, studios, corporate wellness and spas.  They project a level of unmatched professionalism and will be appreciated by your guests, members, clients and patients.   All posters are 36″ x 24″, (movie poster size)  printed with your logo on the mast head.

 Branded Business Identity Kit

Business Cards | Letterhead | Envelopes Ground Zero.   Who knows how new prospects actually find you.  Was it:

  • Direct mail?
  • Facebook or social media?
  • A Chamber of Commerce mixer? 
  • A health fair?
  • A referral?
  • Google search? 

Regardless of how someone “finds” your business, you must be ready to communicate with him or her… PROFESSIONALLY and IMMEDIATELY.  Even if it requires something as simple as a business card or “snail mail.”

High quality letterhead, envelopes and business cards provide an opportunity for your business to present itself in the most professional manner possible.  Listen, the world is NOT entirely digital!

Sometimes, the best presentation is the physical identity kit.  One that can be held in one’s hand and shown to family members, friends, peers or perhaps the CEO of a local company — all of whom, once again are going to register your logo and categorize you as a potential service provider.

Think about this.  Who do you think most people would choose if the decision came down between PG Fit and a competitor that did nothing more than send an email with a website link…?   Who would get their business?

All savvy marketers recognize the importance of a smart, cohesive identity kit.  It breeds confidence in potential clients/members, business partners, staff and existing clients and members.  This is the starting point to imprint your company’s professionalism. Think about this… would you do business with a lawyer, accountant or other professional services person who did NOT even have a business card?


It’s a Noisy World!

In today’s hyper-competitive fitness business, the ability to project your own message and get above the “noise” is more difficult than ever.  The fitness market is incredibly fragmented and sends all kind of mixed messages —  from big mixed-use clubs, studios and mobile trainers to Pilates, Crossfit, MMA and bootcamps.   Add to that the encroachment of consumer fitness programs and thousands of mobile applications —  and you get a pretty good idea of the “noise” level!

Where to Start…

The good news is that we’ve done all the up-front work for you.  It has taken many years and thousands of dollars to identify the absolute best-of-breed products and build relationships with vendors who share the same high-quality standards to which we adhere.  And, then to make them available to you in order to build your own proprietary brand of superior fitness components — for resale.

Branding is not for everybody. Client and member “chasers” will continue to troll Craig’s List, engage in low-ball pricing on Group On and Deal-a-Day programs and pursue the Walmart model pretending to be all things for all people.

But, if you desire to be a premium brand commanding premium prices generating significantly higher revenues for your business, then… this is where you START.





“I’ve been a customer of Art’s since I first began my career as a part-time personal trainer in 2001. I can remember calling Art up on the phone, having great conversations about my business, Art sharing his words of wisdom and experience, and purchasing batches of journals for my clients.

12 years later, I’m honored to say I still know Art, I still enjoy calling him on the phone and having great conversations about the business of fitness, and I consider him to be an outstanding leader in the fitness industry today.

There aren’t many people I know who’ve been consistent in their dedication to purpose and supporting entrepreneurs in the fitness industry for over a decade. Art is one of those rare people.

I highly recommend not only becoming his customer, but I encourage you to give him a call and meet a new friend. You’ll be glad you did.”

Sean Greeley
Net Profit Explosion

BodyElilte“I feel very privileged to have such amazing products available to help me in my journey.  And, more importantly knowing that, you, too, have the same drive and passion as I do of helping people — by doing the right thing.

You’re an amazing and caring person!  Thanks again, Art.”

Jeremy Smith
Body Elite Systems


“I absolutely LOVE these supplements!!  Results almost immediately!  I am completely impressed.  Thank you so much, I will be sharing testimonials for sure!

You are the best!! What’s next!”

Michele Jamison
Nutrition, Fitness, & Healthy Lifestyle Mentor