Your White Label Opportunities...
The truth is, most clubs, studios and independent health professionals do not know HOW to build their brands.
And, even if they do have additional profit centers, it typically looks like a squeezed-in little grocery store.
From all kinds of different apparel brands to dozens of supplement brands and even vending machines. It's typically a disorganized mess.
Fit Pros Should Have a Branded Profit Center
Our industry is obsessed with membership and sessions sales - only! This blindness toward additional marketing opportunities is an epic "FAIL" and begs the question:
What Kind of Business Do YOU Want..?
Grab This Quick EZ Guide
This handy little 4-page guide will provide you with the Top 5 Secrets that every marketing expert knows and practices every single day.
Take the Branding Challenge found inside!
Do you want consistent LONG TERM GROWTH and PROFITABILITY?
Do you want to INCREASE MARGINS and ADD VALUE to your BRAND?
Schedule a Field Trip!
If you answered "YES" to the questions above.... then, make it a priority to visit the nearest APPLE STORE!
Because it's the absolute best way for you to EXPERIENCE, first hand, a world-class BRAND ECOSYSTEM!
What do you see..?
Once inside an Apple store you see nothing but APPLE PRODUCTS. You will NOT see any products from Samsung or Sony or Microsoft!
Apple has everything you need. Apple is MORE than a BRAND. It's a complete ECOSYSTEM!
Results: Brand Loyalty, Longevity and Scale
As a result, most people who purchase an Apple product like an iPhone... will most likely purchase an Apple iPad or MacBook and will probably purchase things from iTunes and other accessories from their online eCommerce Store.
Once inside the ECOSYSTEM, it's only a matter of time before you become an "Apple Person."
Do you see how EFFECTIVE this is? Once you're into the APPLE ECOSYSTEM... there's NO REASON to go anywhere else. Wouldn't that type of brand loyalty be fantastic for YOUR BUSINESS?
Apple has provided EVERYTHING you need! They've made it SIMPLE!
Another Brand EcoSystem...
According to experts, Harley Davidson's annual revenue is 60% gear & accessories and 40% motorcycles. This amazing statistic is all you need to know about the POWER of a niche lifestyle brand.
Enthusiasts purchase BRANDED accessories and gear they can relate to and identify with. It instantly communicates who they are.
Branding is Marketing 101
The smartest, most successful businesses in the world are brand evangelists.
- Nike
- Disney
- Patagonia
- Oakley
- Porsche
- Red Bull
- Rolex
- Coach
... and the list goes on and on!
Did you know that fitness studios and clubs have one of the highest levels of weekly "foot traffic" in the entire retail industry? Fitness enthusiasts generally visit a facility 3-5 times a week.
This is a HUGE OPPORTUNITY to upsell into your branded products and online services!
Grab This Quick EZ Guide
This handy little 4-page guide will provide you with the Top 5 Secrets that every marketing expert knows and practices every single day.
Take the Branding Challenge found inside!
How About You..?
Could Your Business be a Branded EcoSystem?
The truth is, a brand goes further than just looking professional. It's also a display of your COMMITMENT.
Compare the APPLE ECOSYSTEM and the HARLEY DAVIDSON PRO SHOP to your own physical location.
Do you have your own BRANDED line of products?
Do you have EVERYTHING your clients need?
Have you made it SIMPLE for THEM?
Does it look and feel PROFESSIONAL?
It All Starts with YOUR LOGO...
Branding Toward Success!
Here's another truth: The constant and consistent display of your BRAND will absolutely determine how people perceive you -- as a health professional and/or as a facility.
You will look and be perceived as more "credible" and "professional" in the eyes of your prospects. Period.
As a result, YOU and YOUR BUSINESS will attract more high net-worth clients willing to pay a premium for your products and services. Honestly, it's as simple as that.
What Most Fit Pros Do...
More than 87% of all health professionals, studios and clubs actually SEND THEIR CLIENTS AWAY to a retailer for nutritional supplements. That's just giving money away.
What Branded Fit Pros Do...
Some of our fitness partners generate an additional $5,000 to $7,000 every single month with their own branded line of nutritional supplements.
If you believe Client Retention is the "KEY" to a successful fitness business, then, you understand why we go to such great lengths to help you build your own BRANDED FITNESS ECOSYSTEM.
Seeing is Believing!
Here is the absolute TRUTH: Regardless of your education, certifications and experience.... if you want to be a premium brand commanding premium prices generating above average revenues for your business....
...then, you need to LOOK THE PART.... and it all starts when you COMMIT to your BRAND!
See how your BRAND LOGO will look on your own exclusive fitness products.