Posts Tagged ‘personal trainer sales’
The Client Support Email…
I know. It’s a pretty bold statement… “the MOST IMPORTANT CLIENT EMAIL ever written!” But, it’s true… based on the feedback I’ve received from my coaching clients who’ve used it – either as an email or snail mail. And, I’m sharing it with you right now! ✅ CLICK or TAP HERE… …
Read MoreHow to Get Fitness Leads and Referrals with UGC
Check out this “secret sauce tactic!” 🚀 It’s not for everybody….. but, it generated a ton of new clients for one of my coaching clients, Robin Stinson (owner of RS Fitness – women only studio). So, I’m going to share it with you in hopes that it will help your business, too.…
Read MoreIs Fitness Just Easy Money..? Ask a Wannabe!
Can you imagine how great it would be if the fitness offering was the same as a bar? Bartender: “What will it be gentlemen?” “Give me a Bud. And, the same for my buddy here.” “O.K. that will be $7.00.” (If a Club operated like a bar): Front desk person:…
Read More5 Traits of the Most Successful Health & Fitness Business Owners
After 30 years working with some of the most successful fitness professionals in the business, I’ve become super aware of what I call: The 5 BIGGEST CHALLENGES. The best confront these challenges head-on. I am pretty sure as I list them, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve experienced…
Read MoreHow to HELP Your Clients Navigate STRESS…!!
[Free STRESS ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST at the bottom of this post!] If you are a Health Coach or Fit Pro who consults with clients beyond physical activity and nutrition… And, if you approach other elements of life that we all navigate, then, this is a fantastic introduction to how STRESS impacts our physical…
Read MoreWho Wants to Make More Money?
What business owner doesn’t want – or need – to make more money? Have you ever wondered why some owners make more money than others? I can tell you without hesitation that it’s all about taking action. (I know you’ve heard this before!) So, here are some of the ways “ACTION TAKERS”…
Read MoreHow to Build Your Fitness Tribe
About 15 years ago, I talked about a special group of fitness professionals who we labeled, “Next Generation Trainers.” They were the pros who were early adopters. They were the first to embrace technology. They were the first to initiate bootcamps, kickboxing and yoga programs. They were the first to do many things…
Read MoreGet Paid to Workout with Me!
WOW…! —> This headline generated more than $25,000 in sales in just ONE DAY! Maybe its been done before, but, in my 25 years of fitness marketing, I’ve never seen anything like it. Listen… I’m not a big fan of “bait and switch” type advertising. Or, the parsing of words. It’s just…
Read MoreLove, Hate and Fitness Technology
It’s a really weird feeling… It’s that same feeling when I really want to slam down that piece of triple chocolate-chip cheesecake… BUT, I also know that it will just totally “whack” my nutrition plan — and probably throw me into a sugar-coma! You know the feeling..? You really want it…
Read MoreWorld’s Smartest Trainer
O.K., O.K….. Maybe not the “All-Time World’s Smartest Trainer” by your own definition. But, certainly one of the smartest, most cleaver and profitable marketing approaches I’ve heard about in a long time. In just one month, it resulted in 27 new clients! Yes, that’s right. 27 new clients! One…
Read MoreNew School Fitness Marketing
The new school of Fitness Marketing is all about Brand Interaction. But just what the heck is it? Think of it this way… Every time you drive your car, you are interacting with the brand. (Toyota, Chevy, Ford, Nissan, etc.). Every time you lace up your training shoes, you are…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Lead Generator
When it comes to fitness marketing, the four-letter word that makes me crazy is the word: FREE! You probably already know how I feel about “lost leader” marketing. I hate it. I come from the school of “make every dollar do the work of $10.” Be smart. Never “de-value” your products or…
Read MoreHow to PLAN for Success!
Part of my business career was to serve as owner of a weight-management business in Newport Beach, CA., back in 1989. Our staff conducted the nutrition side of things and we outsourced the activity and exercise to the absolute best trainers we could find. We achieved outstanding results with our clients. And, we…
Read MoreHow to FIX the Money Leaks in Your Fitness Business
Ready for a little “tough love..?” I am reacting to a flurry of negative, whining phone calls I’ve received, lately. The negative calls, coming from club owners, studio owners and independent trainers — have all been about: Not making enough money Unfair competition Feeling powerless to change their plight! WTF…??? …
Read MoreCompliance
Six months ago, Rodney Sullivan complained he was always playing “defense” with his personal training clients. For example: If a client was late he would extend beyond the scheduled session time. If a client didn’t show up, he didn’t charge for the time. There are many more examples but you get…
Read MoreI Don’t Care About Your Results
Yes, yes…. I know. All the top health and fitness marketers advocate the sales technique of selling “RESULTS” to your prospective clients. And, don’t get me wrong, “RESULTS” should be discussed during your sales presentation. But, there’s something even MORE EFFECTIVE. And, it will close more deals, generate more referrals and create more opportunities…
Read MoreBlack FREE-DAY Specials 2018
All of the FREE CONTENT, was moved to its own page: click here…
Read MoreHow to Add MASSIVE GROWTH to Your Fitness Business
Do you feel like your fitness business isn’t growing as fast as you’d hoped? Perhaps you find yourself competing in the “price wars” and forced to offer 4-Week Body Transformation Challenges with a “money-back” guarantee just to maintain some cash flow. Then, you hope some of the participants will sign-up for longer…
Read More3 Secrets to Becoming an Awesome Health & Fitness Professional…!
This a positive rant… ABOUT YOU. Yes YOU! Just being in the health and fitness business is pretty cool. And, if you are a club, studio or any kind of health-related business owner, well, that’s even more cool! Listen, not EVERYBODY is meant to be a business owner. Not everybody is meant to…
Read MoreHow to Become a Fitness Marketing Ninja and Outsmart the Celebrities
I often think these weight-loss celebrity spokespeople should be thrown in jail for the crap they promote. Just think about it. If YOU or any certified fit pro were to spout off the same kind of false headlines, misinformation and pure nonsense as Oprah, Dr. Phil, Marie, Dr. Oz., Dan Marino and others — you’d be ridiculed…
Read MoreHow Top Fit Pros Generate Passive Income and Scale Up…
It seems like the entire health and fitness industry is looking for ways to take their businesses ONLINE. And thousands of fit pros have already figured out how to create an ONLINE TRAINING function using some third-party apps. But, at the end of the day, they are STILL TRADING DOLLARS for HOURS …
Read MoreIMPORTANT NOTICE: You Are No Longer a Personal Trainer…
I hope the headline got your attention.. because it’s TRUE! But… before I explain what this means, allow me to “set the table.” Winds of Change… If you are a fitness business owner, trainer or health entrepreneur you are aware the fitness business is changing.. rapidly. Yes, I know it’s always changing… but this time…
Read MoreA Cool $15K of Passive Income
Here’s one of the best emails I’ve ever received. And, if you’ve been thinking about “ONLINE COACHING” or How to Generate Passive Income for your business… then, this will be of interest to you. This email is from one of our long-time ONBOARD 101 administrators. I added all the “bolds” for emphasis. ———————————-…
Read MoreYou Don’t Need a Marketing Plan…
That’s right… I came right out and said it! Wanna know why? Because, the truth is, 90% of small businesses, especially fitness businesses, simply don’t commit to creating a business or marketing plan. Period. And, even if they had the time to write one, they’re not really sure what goes…
Read MoreIT’S OFFICIAL: Personal Trainers Have a New Competitor!
You could see it coming… and now it’s here. Daily Burn has OFFICIALLY decided to compete head-to-head with your personal training business. Check out their commercial. At 1:10 they come right out and say it: “For less than one session with a personal trainer, you can access every Daily Burn workout for an…
Read MoreWhat CrossFit and Shred Guitar Have in Common….!
NOTE: Before you go crazy looking for it… this post is NOT a negative or positive about specific exercise protocol — or anything about exercise at all. No dirt or gossip here… It’s about marketing and business models. ————– Common Business I love using my past music business experience as a comparison for things…
Read MoreWhat to Eat
I don’t always agree with everything CSPI puts out. But one thing I love about them is their non-stop effort to educate Americans about the foods they consume. It’s all about education. Take this FREE DOWNLOAD and hand it out to your clients and members. It’s a fantastic handout.
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