What Every Client Should Know Before GLP-1 Protocol


Your clients and prospects are being deluged with some crazy information.

It’s impossible to browse the web, watch TV, listen to the radio or read a magazine without being bombarded by all kinds of ads for GLP-1 injections or oral semaglutide pills for weight-loss.

The ads are very convincing with testimonials from consumers and endorsements from doctors, scientists, etc.

And, of course, celebrities like Kelly Clarkson, Oprah Winfrey and others add to all the hype.​


That’s WHY every single fitness client should read this handout.


How GLP-1 Protocol Works


**NOTE: I am NOT against the GLP-1 Protocol for the clinically obese and diabetics who need it. I am vehemently against the blitz marketing campaigns targeted toward consumers who just want to lose a few pounds the “easy way.” It is pure profiteering with total disregard for side effects, risks and potential death.


Big pharma brands include Mounjaro, Ozempic and Wegovy.

Plus, there are literally hundreds of “compounded” versions of these drugs (“off brand”) with the same ingredients that can be purchased online and self-injected.

I’ll keep this really simple. GLP-1s basically slow the stomach from emptying. In some cases, it can literally paralyze the stomach causing severe side effects (here’s a video: CLICK or TAP HERE…)

Thus, nutrients that would normally be broken down and distributed throughout the body are not entering the digestive tract as they naturally would (this is why people feel “full” and often nauseous).

This combination of slowed digestion and non-distribution of nutrients is also the cause of “muscle wasting” (there’s a lot more detail to this part, but that’s for a different day!).

And, this is where the fitness industry marketing gurus all see an opportunity to help GLP-1 patients with a “GLP-1 Lifestyle plan” to help offset these side effects through proper exercise and nutrition.

It’s sort of a “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” strategy.


Everything is Affected


I’m not against that strategy. In fact, I’m an enthusiastic advocate of anything that motivates people into a healthy lifestyle regimen.

But, in this case, ONLY if it includes a pathway to wean people OFF the GLP-1 injections (it is a lifelong protocol).

One way to help GLP-1 patients/clients is to help them UNDERSTAND how EVERYTHING in their bodies including bones, muscles, organs, blood….right down to the cellular level — are synergistically CONNECTED.



Follow the Logic…


So, if food can not leave the stomach and enter the digestive tract, it makes sense that nutrients are NOT entering the bloodstream for distribution to those aforementioned bones, muscles organs, etc.

And, following that same stream of logic, it makes sense that all kinds of bodily functions become compromised. Some, more than others.

I can guarantee that most clients have no idea how their bodies actually function — much less how these bodily functions all work synergistically.


Be the Hero!


YOU could be the one who literally educates and, thus, changes lives.

Who knows… you might even become the HERO who literally saves someone’s life.

So, download this free handout: 👉  YOUR BODY the MIRACLE…​

You can add your logo to the header, print and distribute to your existing clients/members as well as prospects.

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