How to Leverage Your “Mommy Issues” into Cold Hard Cash!

All that CASH FLOW started because of her mother.


This is an amazing journey.


Please allow me to provide the backdrop in order to put it in context…


Mothers and Daughters…


Being a male, I’ve never quite understood the relationship between daughters and mothers. 


At times, the best of friends… loving and nurturing. 


Yet, other times, the fiercest of competitors (I can’t even begin to explain it).


And, so it was with Rebecca Whittington (a small studio owner in N. California) and her mother, Joyce.


On-again. Off-again.


Not surprisingly, as soon as she finished college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Physiology, Rebecca moved as far away from her mother as she could.  From North Carolina to California.


“She was just always into my stuff!” says Rebecca.  


Yes, it was classic “helicopter parenting” with Joyce hovering over all her daughter’s activities. 


From grades, friends, sports and music to clothes, food and hairstyles!


No wonder Rebecca moved away. 


But, then a funny thing happened.


Love From Afar…


Perhaps it was the process of both women maturing. Or, the old adage that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” 


Probably both.


But over time, and despite the distance, they became closer than ever. 


Weekly phone calls became the norm. 


Mom helped Rebecca with some solid business advice as well as a little capital when she opened her fitness studio.


Rebecca reciprocated by teaching her mom how to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to keep up with her life. 


Yes, in a strange turn, Rebecca now wanted her mother to “…always be in her stuff!”


Then it Turned Into Money…!


This backdrop leads to an amazing demonstration of what can happen once you start selling “online.”


Rebecca has carried her own branded line of supplements (from us) for more than 5 years and has a loyal group of purchasers.  


And, during that whole time she’s been sending her mother bottles of the FOR WOMEN ONLY formula.


So, when we beta-tested the new eCommerce/Dropship Program, Rebecca was one of the first to jump on the opportunity. 


Look Ma…  eCommerce!


Of course, Rebecca told her Mom all about the new eCommerce/Dropship Program and how this would provide a new revenue stream for her business — even among those who were NOT clients, etc. 


As a former retail business owner, Joyce immediately saw the advantage of creating a new profit center — especially a passive one that didn’t require any additional labor


She praised her daughter for making such a smart business move


But it didn’t stop there. 


Proud Mama…


Joyce, also wrote about Rebecca’s new “online” business and posted it on her Facebook page — and included a link to Rebecca’s site. 


Then, the same thing on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn


Joyce also networks with all kinds of people in the community through her involvement with the local chamber of commerce, community groups, non-profits and even a car club!


As Rebecca explains it, “The next thing I knew I was receiving numerous “online orders” from my home town in North Carolina!”  


And her online sales of nutritional supplements continues to increase and provide a steady stream of “passive income.” 


Today, more than 70% of her online supplement sales are shipped outside her local market area.


Two HUGE Advantages with Online Supplement Sales…


This brings me the unique selling proposition when it comes to “ONLINE SUPPLEMENT SALES.”


There are two wonderful advantages that most people don’t realize unless they’re already selling supplements.  


Advantage #1


Most people (consumers) develop their own personal supplement regimen over time. 


Quite often it looks something like this for someone interested in Muscle Recovery:

  • Multi-Vitamin Mineral Formula
  • Pure Whey Protein Powder
  • BCAA Tablets
  • Glucosamine


Or it might look like this for a Fat-Loss Program:

  • For Women Only Multi-Vitamin Formula
  • Metabolic Optimizer
  • Lipotropic Plus
  • Super L-Carnitine


And, once your customers have it dialed-in, they rarely change it


In fact, they become incredibly disciplined to their own regimen and super loyal to the brand of supplements they have chosen.  


Supplements are a REPEAT PURCHASE.   With a little math, you can see where:

  • A $50 to $75 monthly purchase per client could generate $600 – $900 per year.
  • Then, multiply that by 25 Clients ($15,000 – $22,500)
  • Or,  50 Clients ($30,000 – $45,000)
  • Or, 100 Clients ($60,000 – $90,000).


But, it gets even better….


Advantage #2


This is an obvious advantage.  It’s the whole point of this blog post. 


Once your line of branded supplements is available “online” — your market area EXPLODES!


In this case, Rebecca’s Mom told her friends and associates about her daughter’s line of products — and the availability of them ONLINE. 


It created a referral phenomenon.


Nutritional supplements tend to be a “word-of-mouth” referral-based purchase.  You’ve probably experienced it yourself. 


How many times have you been asked what type of supplements you recommend?   


Word-of-mouth referrals is the most POWERFUL MARKETING on the planet.  


The Snowball Effect…



Once the referrals start, it creates the “snowball effect” where round after round of purchasers are created. 


For example, here’s a “perfect world” example of the “snowball multiplier”:


Round #1 – Rebecca’s mother tells 50 of her closest family, friends and associates about her daughter’s online products for a total of 50 people. 


Round #2 – Each one of those 50 people tells 50 of their closest family, friends and associates about Rebecca’s online products for a total of 2,500 people.


Round #3 – Each one of those 2,500 people tells 50 of their closest family, friends and associates about Rebecca’s online products for a total of 125,000 people.   


Round #4 – Each one of those 125,000 people tells 50 of their closest family, friends and associates about Rebecca’s online products for a total of 6,250,000 people.   


HUGE… right? 

Obviously it’s not a perfect world, but you can see how effective the snowball effect can become.  It is the essence and total strategy of network marketers and MLM programs. 


From Legacy to Disruptor


But network marketing  and MLMs are LEGACY MODELS where you help build someone else’s brand — leaving you no equity




Beyond the potential to generate enormous cash flow, it can also build additional equity and value into your business.  Which, if you decide to sell might just add a few more zeros to the price!


For Rebecca and her Mom, it served to strengthen a relationship that had already transitioned from “Mommy Issues” to cold, hard CASH!  


If you’d like to learn more about how to become a “disruptor marketer” please CLICK HERE…

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