GLP-1 – Considerations


I guess I’ll be THAT GUY who speaks out against the insanity of the GLP-1 injections for those who simply DON’T NEED IT. [FREE DOWNLOAD].​

Please..please… please… don’t get me wrong.

GLP-1s are fantastic medications for diabetics and those who suffer from clinical obesity.


But for the average consumer looking to lose 10-20 pounds (changing body composition toward lean) then, this protocol is just another “magic pill” that could potentially do more harm than good. And, in some cases, even be life threatening!


Nonetheless, Big Pharma is aggressively marketing these medications to “average consumers” most of whom are looking to lose weight without proper nutrition and productive exercise (in addition to alcohol, ultra-processed foods and sedentary lifestyle).

Many players in the fitness industry are embracing it — some even offering onsite injections.

Personally, I think the fitness industry should serve and position itself as “rehab” for people who want to wean themselves OFF the lifelong protocol of GLP-1 injections and/or pills.

If you would like to educate your clients and/or prospects about GLP-1 Protocol, you can grab this FREE DOWNLOAD – called “GLP-1 | Important Considerations” —> put YOUR LOGO on it- and distribute at will.

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