Mandy’s Accidental Business Transformation


WARNING:  This is a long post… but, I promise there is a HUGE PAYOFF!   – Art


Mandy has been a fitness partner with our company for over 15 years.


In that time, I’ve watched her transition through the “functional fitness” phase.  The Bootcamps.   Les Mills,  Zumba and Kickboxing.  At one point she considered becoming a CrossFit box but decided against it.  


All this time, she has used our Journals, the MAP System, and off-and-on with Supplements.  And, most recently, took advantage of the Onboard 101 Pro package.


Even though her small studio is only 1,200 square feet, she’s one of the most profitable and successful trainers I know.


Mandy is always thinking ahead.  Always morphing her business into something different.  Always introducing her clients to new exercises, activities and programming.


Sometimes she calls just to chit-chat about her business… and share with me some of her ideas.


But, This Time it was Different


This last call was special.  There was a level of excitement in her voice that I hadn’t heard in a while. 


But, I knew what it meant. 


She just found her NEXT BIG THING!


In all honesty, what she’s found isn’t something new.  But, it’s new to her… and her business.  And, knowing her, she is going to blow it up BIG!

How it Started


Six months ago, Mandy took on a new client.  He was a very de-conditioned 62-year old man who had just received the lecture from his doctor, “Start getting your act together or you’ll be dead in 5 years!” 


She started him off slowly and created a complete program including nutrition.  But, three weeks into the program, he wasn’t really getting anywhere.  And, he knew it, too.


One day, he turned to her and asked if she made “house calls.” 


At first, Mandy thought the guy was “hitting” on her.  But that wasn’t the case at all.


He Told Her Exactly What He Needed


So, here’s what he really meant.


He explained that he and his wife had been married for for 36 years.  In that time they had developed some lifestyle habits that were obviously not conducive to good health.  He admitted they probably drank too much wine.  That neither of them exercised until recently. 


They were both workaholics with stressful jobs.


He even confided to Mandy that while he knew his wife loved him, the intimacy seemed to have waned years ago.


He went on to tell her exactly what he wanted.  He told her this, 


I realize that changing a lifestyle is not like fixing a golf swing.  It requires a complete systemic change from top to bottom — but, I don’t know how to do that without someone coming into our lives and seeing HOW we live.”


There it Was


Perhaps it was because he was an executive who understood problem solving.  Or, maybe, he was at his wit’s end.  Either way, he certainly conveyed what he felt he needed from Mandy.


Mandy agreed to help.   But, she insisted on a structured program that fell under three simple categories.  She now calls it her API:


  • Assess the current situation ie: lifestyle, family, stress, etc. 
  • Plan and develop an agreed upon strategy with tactics
  • Implement with full accountability and metrics

What’s In It?


There’s just way too much detail to go through everything, but, here’s what Mandy’s basic outline covers:


  • Assessment:  On a Sunday afternoon, Mandy went to their home.  She interviewed both of them together for 2 hours asking all kinds of questions about their kids, extended families, pets, their jobs, their friends, favorite restaurants, movies, illnesses, injuries, medications, etc.  All of this, when put together, allowed Mandy to formulate and conceptualize a snapshot of their lives. 

Next, with permission, she went through their kitchen cupboards and refrigerator taking note of foods, pots and pans, cooking utensils and even cleaning solutions.


She even made note of the house configuration.  How many televisions.  How many stairs. Swimming pool?  BBQ?  Again, it was all about understanding the lifestyle.


  • Plan:  With a “snapshot” of their current lifestyle, Mandy was able to devise a program that would work for the couple.  The following Sunday, she went back to their home and described the program, secured “buy-in” with a written pledge and immediately implemented the plan starting with:


Tactic #1 Before arriving at their home, she asked the couple to get some large bags and boxes.  Then, together, all three of them cleaned out the pantry cupboards and refrigerator.  The food was donated to a local food bank


Tactic #2 – Then, the trio headed to the grocery store to purchase healthy foods, learn how to read labels, identify the advantages of the outside isles, and ultimately create new patterns of behavior in the grocery store.


Tactic #3 – Finally, upon return to their home, they went online to purchase newer cooking utensils, bullet mixers and most importantly, a food scale.


  • Implementation:  With the foundation built, a plan in place and motivation levels high, it’s “Game on!”  Mandy mandated use of her branded tools including her:

Daily Journal
MAP System
Onboard 101 Curriculum


Beyond our tools, she also outfitted the couple with digital fitness trackers that worked with their mobile devices. 


Mandy used her automated email system to send a daily motivational quote – along with a personal message EVERY DAY precisely at 6:30 a.m.


And, of course there were personal training sessions at her studio along with once-a-week home visits where Mandy demonstrated healthy cooking practices and recipes.  They literally ate dinner together… where the conversation typcially turned into a “coaching session.”


There were several other elements to the program that helped the couple change their lifestyles and behaviors.  Ultimately, they achieved several of their health related goals.

How Much..?


I know.  You want to know how much she charged him, right?


Okay…. I’ll tell you… but keep reading because the amount she charged this couple is NOT THE POINT!


Before her very first visit to their home, Mandy calculated her time and materials over a 12-Week Period and let him know it would cost $7,500. She also stipulated that she would train them as a “couple” rather than individually – at least during the first 12-weeks.


He didn’t even flinch. 


Instead, he pulled out his checkbook and paid her in advance!


Are You Still With Me…?


If you’ve read this far, I’m about to reveal to you the best part of this post.


When Mandy first told me about this, I was thrilled.   This is truly “Health Coaching at it’s best.


I suggested to her that since she’d gone down this road that she should get her ACE Health Coach Certification or IIN Certification where she could add credibility to what she obviously already knew how to do.  


I also suggested that she formalize her API Program, give it a fancy name and add it to her menu of services.


She resisted all of this saying that it was simply a “one-off” opportunity that would probably never happen again.


Here We Go…!


But, later, she called to tell me that she’d purchased the ACE Certification Program. 


Then, she figured out that she had nothing to lose by adding this premium service as part of her offering.  She called it the API LifeStyle Private Coaching Program and added it to her services.


Yes, a 12-Week program for $7,500.

It Gets Better


At first nothing happened.  But then, one month later… BANG!  Mandy booked (and was paid in advance) for two of these programs.  One was a referral from the original couple and the other was a “walk-in!”


That’s an additional $15,000 that she generated in just one month — with much of it during her down time.   Yes, it does take up her weekends, but she’s a pro and not afraid of hard work.  And, besides, I know very few successful trainers who take full weekends off.    


She’s Not Alone


Another super lifestyle coach who implements a similar business model is Crystal Lowery, from San Diego.


She also offers online coaching programs starting at $1,500. 


But, with Crystal, potential clients must first undergo an interview process before she will accept them as a client.  Crystal does not waste any time with clients who are not fully motivated, or those looking for some kind of magic weight-loss.


And, because Crystal is a professional figure competitor, she also coaches “Show Prep” for those clients who are preparing for competition.  This opens up all kinds of new opportunities



This is the POINT!


If you are any kind of health and fitness professional… your profession is rapidly changingfor the better! 


Do you see how many opportunities are opening up right in front of you?  Do see what’s available to you…? 


It’s a very exciting time as I watch personal trainers and other health professionals expand their own development, their roles as coaches, and their business growth.


And here’s the best part.  Other than a certification, it costs NOTHING.  You simply need to re-frame how you think of your business.  Re-frame your offerings.


Yes, there will always be a need for “sessions.”   Most fitness professionals live and die by the number of sessions or packages of sessions they sell.


But, Mandy has tripled her revenue almost by accident by going deeper.  She didn’t risk anything.  It cost her nothing other than time. And, for the most part, she innately already knew exactly what to do!


So, I’ll end this post with a saying that is probably appropriate for you and your business:


“Your future is so bright you’ll need to wear sunglasses!”


Here’s the Most Powerful Welcome Letter Ever Written… for YOUR NEW CLIENTS!